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Flash Video Frontend. How to interact with Flash object?


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I have a frontend for a flash video object.

Using the ControlClick command, I'm able to click the "Play" button, however this action is not well supported because it leaves the "play" button shown, and it pops a tooltip. (picture as attachment)

I tried to use another ControlClick to click somewhere else in the control, but it still leaves a trace.

Would it be possible to use ControlCommand to send the "play" command directly without clicking? I have access to part of the source code of the flash app.

What other technique could be usable for something like this?


#include <ie.au3>
#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>

$videourl = "http://admin.brightcove.com/viewer/us1."

GUICreate("Al Jazeera", 840, 550)
$oIE = _IECreateEmbedded()
GUICtrlCreateObj($oIE, 0, 0, 840, 550)
_IENavigate ($oIE, $videourl, 1)
ControlClick("Al Jazeera","","[CLASS:MacromediaFlashPlayerActiveX; INSTANCE:1]","left", 1, 40, 500)
While 1
        Case GUIGetMsg() = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE
Edited by PowerCat
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The brightcove API documentation says this:

play() method

public function play():void

Starts playback of the current title in the video window. If a linear ad is currently playing, this will unpause the ad.

How can I send a play to the control?

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How can I send a play to the control?

Create a local temporary HTML file with Javascript that calls the actionscript method.

If you don't know how to do that, google for "call actionscript function from javascript"

Also, by responding to your post I am not indicating support for that news organization. :)

To be fair, though, it's probably better than FOX News.

Edited by Sapient
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Create a local temporary HTML file with Javascript that calls the actionscript method.

If you don't know how to do that, google for "call actionscript function from javascript"

Also, by responding to your post I am not indicating support for that news organization. :)

To be fair, though, it's probably better than FOX News.

Thanks for the information, Sapient. However this is too complex ;)

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