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Printermapping via Autoit

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i made a script what maps me a printer from a server and makes this printer the default printer, i used rundll functions for this, but i think there should be an "autoit way" to do printermappings - are there any suggestions ?

RunAsSet("administrator", "domain", "password")

$befehl1="Rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /in /n " & @LogonServer & "\HPLaser"

$befehl2="Rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /y /n " & @LogonServer & "\HPLaser"

_RunDos ($befehl1)

_RunDos ($befehl2)


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i made a script what maps me a printer from a server and makes this printer the default printer, i used rundll functions for this, but i think there should be an "autoit way" to do printermappings - are there any suggestions ?



If you want to use the Beta version of AutoIt3 (current version v3.1.1.48) you can do things like this:

; Add printer example using AutoIt3 and WSH
; See also: http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/script56/html/wsmthaddwindowsprinterconnection.asp

; Connect to WSH
$WshNetwork = ObjCreate("WScript.Network")
$PrinterPath = "\\printserv\PrinterQueue"

; Add network printer

; Set printer as default

However, this script will only work on Windows 2000 or higher.



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