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Is it possible to read memory?

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Thanks for your reply.

So, I can't do anything about memory?


If you explain what you intend to do, perhaps we can help you.

How much are you familiar with writing programs? your question is pretty vague. :)

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If you explain what you intend to do, perhaps we can help you.

How much are you familiar with writing programs? your question is pretty vague. :evil:


My English is not good, I am sorry for this :"> .I will do my best to explain what I intend to do,I would like to know what the value is in specific address of memory,for example,now I know a value in specific address of memory and I know what it means, so I intend to do something with Au3 when the value is changed.

I know how to get the address of some stuff in memory, the question is how can I get the value of specific address of memory?

Thanks for your reply :)

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jpm, wasn't there a topic about memory handeling??

peek & poke or something??

or am i wrong

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My English is not good, I am sorry for this  :"> .I will do my best to explain what I intend to do,I would like to know what the value is in specific address of memory,for example,now I know a value in specific address of memory and I know what it means, so I intend to do something with Au3 when the value is changed.

I know how to get the address of some stuff in memory, the question is how can I get the value of specific address of memory?

Thanks for your reply :)


I don't know how you know the memory address value but if you think about a function equivalent to PEEK we don't have such function in AutoIT.
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Thanks for your reply.

I use some tools to know the address of some stuff in memory,I am trying to do someting in a game like healing HP or move to somewhere in game.

The problm is about the position to move, the coordinates are showed in number on monitor,so if I want to know what it is , I guess I need through memory.

I can know what address the stuff locate on,but I dont know how to do a thing like "if memread(xxxxxxx)<100 then healing()" with Au3, I just want to do a simple thing it,if no hp just healing, if run out just run back etc.

I am sorry if Au3 cant do it,I know some way can do that with other soft,but I hope I can do it with Au3, because I like Au3, that's why I persist in doing these thing with Au3 :), anyway thanks for your reply.

Edited by nekokk
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There is a dll called GameDll.dll that Jon put up on the link below.


Just scroll down until you see it. :)

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