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In my the GUI there is an option to onlt read the first column of the excel file or the intire sheet.

if $EenOfTwee = 0 then
    $aWO_Nr = _ExcelReadArray($oExcel, $iStartRow, $iStartColumn,$iRows,1,0)
elseif $EenOfTwee=1 Then
    $aWO_Nr = _ExcelReadSheetToArray($oExcel)


the first option works, but _ExcelReadSheetToArray gives my errors.

C:\Program Files\AutoIt3\Include\Excel.au3 (787) : ==> Variable must be of type "Object".:

Local $sLastCell = $oExcel.Application.Selection.SpecialCells($xlCellTypeLastCell).Address(True, True, $xlR1C1)

Local $sLastCell = $oExcel.Application.Selection^ ERROR

i open the excel with

$FilePath = FileOpenDialog("Go - Choose your excel file as inbuilt one not exists", $FilePath, "Worksheet" & " (" & "*.xls" & ")", 1);+ $Recurse+ $Recurse

local $oExcel = ObjGet($FilePath); Create an Excel Object

see attachments for the excel


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