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Help need with ScriptControl/VBScript

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I am trying to use the ScriptControl to execute the following code within my autoit application. Here is the example VBScript I am working from:

# $language = "VBScript"
# $interface = "1.0"

' Connect to a telnet server and automate the initial login sequence.
' Note that synchronous mode is enabled to prevent server output from
' potentially being missed.

Sub Main

  crt.Screen.Synchronous = True

  ' connect to host on port 23 (the default telnet port)
  crt.Session.Connect "/TELNET login.myhost.com 23"

  crt.Screen.WaitForString "ogin:"

  crt.Screen.Send "myusername" & vbCr

  crt.Screen.WaitForString "assword:"

  crt.Screen.Send "mypassword" & vbCr

  crt.Screen.Synchronous = False

End Sub

The object is to click a button in my AutoIt application and execute a function which executes the above VBScript by passing variables to the VBScript from AutoIT. (ie. IP address from input box, etc.) Below is the code I have worked out so far, based on some other examples I found searching this forum.

My code currently to excute the Telnet function:

Func _Telnet()
        $myIP= GUICtrlRead($inptIP)
        $code = "crt.Screen.Synchronous = True"
        $code = $code & "@CRLF" & "crt.Session.Connect " & "/TELNET " & _AllTrim($myIP) & " 23"
        $code = $code & "@CRLF" & "crt.Screen.Synchronous = False"
        $oSC = ObjCreate("ScriptControl")
        $oSC.language = "VBScript" 

And here is my code for when the user clicks the "Telnet" button:

GUICtrlSetOnEvent($Button1, "_Telnet")

However, with my current code, whenever the "Telnet button is clicked nothing happens." Anybody see anything wrong with my function? Thanks for any insight.


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Well, I did find one thing so far. I don't believe the @CRLF's should have been in " ". Here's my updated code. At runtime I'm getting an error on

Func _Telnet()
        $myIP= GUICtrlRead($inptIP)
        $code = "crt.Screen.Synchronous = True"
        $code = $code & @CRLF & "crt.Session.Connect " & "/TELNET " & _AllTrim($myIP) & " 23"
        $code = $code & @CRLF & "crt.Screen.Synchronous = False"
        ;msgbox(0,"", $code)
        $oSC = ObjCreate("ScriptControl")
        $oSC.language = "VBScript" 

$oSC.eval($code)^ ERROR


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Ok, I've made a bit more progress. After reading some more documentation on Script control it looks like I should be using the.Execute command. I now have all of VBScript code displaying properly in a messagebox to verify, but I am still getting errors when trying to execute the code. I tried putting the $code varible inside of " ", but that made no difference. Here is my current code:

Func _Telnet()
        $myIP= GUICtrlRead($inptIP)
        $code = "Sub Main"
        $code = $code & @CRLF & "crt.Screen.Synchronous = True"
        $code = $code & @CRLF & "crt.Session.Connect " & '"/TELNET ' & _AllTrim($myIP) & ' 23"'
        $code = $code & @CRLF & "crt.Screen.Synchronous = False"
        $code = $code & @CRLF & "End Sub" 
        msgbox(0,"", $code)
        $oSC = ObjCreate("ScriptControl")
        $oSC.language = "VBScript" 
        $result = $oSC.Execute($code)
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I am trying to use the ScriptControl to execute the following code within my autoit application. Here is the example VBScript I am working from:

# $language = "VBScript"
# $interface = "1.0"

' Connect to a telnet server and automate the initial login sequence.
' Note that synchronous mode is enabled to prevent server output from
' potentially being missed.

Sub Main

  crt.Screen.Synchronous = True

  ' connect to host on port 23 (the default telnet port)
  crt.Session.Connect "/TELNET login.myhost.com 23"

  crt.Screen.WaitForString "ogin:"

  crt.Screen.Send "myusername" & vbCr

  crt.Screen.WaitForString "assword:"

  crt.Screen.Send "mypassword" & vbCr

  crt.Screen.Synchronous = False

End Sub

The object is to click a button in my AutoIt application and execute a function which executes the above VBScript by passing variables to the VBScript from AutoIT. (ie. IP address from input box, etc.) Below is the code I have worked out so far, based on some other examples I found searching this forum.

My code currently to excute the Telnet function:

Func _Telnet()
        $myIP= GUICtrlRead($inptIP)
        $code = "crt.Screen.Synchronous = True"
        $code = $code & "@CRLF" & "crt.Session.Connect " & "/TELNET " & _AllTrim($myIP) & " 23"
        $code = $code & "@CRLF" & "crt.Screen.Synchronous = False"
        $oSC = ObjCreate("ScriptControl")
        $oSC.language = "VBScript" 

And here is my code for when the user clicks the "Telnet" button:

GUICtrlSetOnEvent($Button1, "_Telnet")

However, with my current code, whenever the "Telnet button is clicked nothing happens." Anybody see anything wrong with my function? Thanks for any insight.


Using ScriptControl Methods


$ScriptControl = ObjCreate("MSScriptControl.ScriptControl")
$ScriptControl.language = "VBScript"
$VBSCode = _
'Dim oShell' & @CRLF & _
'Dim oAutoIt' & @CRLF & _
'Set oShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")' & @CRLF & _
'Set oAutoIt = CreateObject("AutoItX3.Control")' & @CRLF & _
'oShell.Run "calc.exe", 1, FALSE' & @CRLF & _
'oAutoIt.WinWaitActive "Calculator", ""' & @CRLF & _
'oAutoIt.Send "2*2="' & @CRLF & _
'oAutoIt.Sleep 500' & @CRLF & _
'oAutoIt.Send "4*4="' & @CRLF & _
'oAutoIt.Sleep 500' & @CRLF & _
'oAutoIt.Send "8*8="' & @CRLF & _
'oAutoIt.Sleep 500' & @CRLF & _
'oAutoIt.WinClose "Calc", ""' & @CRLF & _
'oAutoIt.WinWaitClose "Calc", ""'



Example WSH Script (VBScript)

' Example WSH Script (VBScript)

' Require Variants to be declared before used
Option Explicit 

' Declare Variables & Objects

Dim oShell
Dim oAutoIt

' Initialise Variables & Objects

Set oShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set oAutoIt = WScript.CreateObject("AutoItX3.Control")

' Start of Script

WScript.Echo "This script will run some test calculations"

oShell.Run "calc.exe", 1, FALSE

' Wait for the calc window to become active
oAutoIt.WinWaitActive "Calculator", ""

' Send some keystokes to calc
oAutoIt.Send "2*2="
oAutoIt.Sleep 500
oAutoIt.Send "4*4="
oAutoIt.Sleep 500
oAutoIt.Send "8*8="
oAutoIt.Sleep 500
oAutoIt.WinClose "Calc", ""
oAutoIt.WinWaitClose "Calc", ""

Edited by wolf9228

صرح السماء كان هنا


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Ok, thanks for that. However I am still having problems. I am able to launch SecureCRT now, but I keep getting a ScriptControl.ExecuteStatement($code)^ERROR after the SecureCRT window opens. I am unable to tell where in the code the error occurs. I tried hitting Pause/Break at runtime to try and step through, but apparently that is not possible in AutoIt. Based on the VBScript I am working from it does not appear that I need to use the "AutoItX3.Control", because I am not trying to send input directly into the program as in the Calculator example. Somebody please correct me if I am wrong on this.

Here is my current code:

Func _Telnet()
        $myIP= GUICtrlRead($inptIP)
        $ScriptControl = ObjCreate("MSScriptControl.ScriptControl")
        $ScriptControl.language = "VBScript"

        $code = "Dim oAutoIt"
        $code = $code & @CRLF & 'Set oShell = CreateObject ("WScript.Shell")'
        ;$code = $code & @CRLF & 'Set oAutoIt = CreateObject ("AutoItX3.Control")'
        $code = $code & @CRLF & 'oShell.Run "securecrt.exe", 1, False'
        $code = $code & @CRLF & 'crt.Screen.Synchronous = True'
        $code = $code & @CRLF & 'crt.Session.Connect ' & '"/TELNET ' & _AllTrim($myIP) & ' 23"'
        $code = $code & @CRLF & 'crt.Screen.Synchronous = False'
        msgbox(0,"", $code)

And once again, here is the VBScript from the SecureCRT documentation that I am trying to implement in my AutoIT app.

Sub Main

  crt.Screen.Synchronous = True

  ' connect to host on port 23 (the default telnet port)
  crt.Session.Connect "/TELNET login.myhost.com 23"

  crt.Screen.WaitForString "ogin:"

  crt.Screen.Send "myusername" & vbCr

  crt.Screen.WaitForString "assword:"

  crt.Screen.Send "mypassword" & vbCr

  crt.Screen.Synchronous = False

End Sub

Thanks for any clarification or assistance on this.


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Ok, thanks for that. However I am still having problems. I am able to launch SecureCRT now, but I keep getting a ScriptControl.ExecuteStatement($code)^ERROR after the SecureCRT window opens. I am unable to tell where in the code the error occurs. I tried hitting Pause/Break at runtime to try and step through, but apparently that is not possible in AutoIt. Based on the VBScript I am working from it does not appear that I need to use the "AutoItX3.Control", because I am not trying to send input directly into the program as in the Calculator example. Somebody please correct me if I am wrong on this.

Here is my current code:

Func _Telnet()
        $myIP= GUICtrlRead($inptIP)
        $ScriptControl = ObjCreate("MSScriptControl.ScriptControl")
        $ScriptControl.language = "VBScript"

        $code = "Dim oAutoIt"
        $code = $code & @CRLF & 'Set oShell = CreateObject ("WScript.Shell")'
        ;$code = $code & @CRLF & 'Set oAutoIt = CreateObject ("AutoItX3.Control")'
        $code = $code & @CRLF & 'oShell.Run "securecrt.exe", 1, False'
        $code = $code & @CRLF & 'crt.Screen.Synchronous = True'
        $code = $code & @CRLF & 'crt.Session.Connect ' & '"/TELNET ' & _AllTrim($myIP) & ' 23"'
        $code = $code & @CRLF & 'crt.Screen.Synchronous = False'
        msgbox(0,"", $code)

And once again, here is the VBScript from the SecureCRT documentation that I am trying to implement in my AutoIT app.

Sub Main

  crt.Screen.Synchronous = True

  ' connect to host on port 23 (the default telnet port)
  crt.Session.Connect "/TELNET login.myhost.com 23"

  crt.Screen.WaitForString "ogin:"

  crt.Screen.Send "myusername" & vbCr

  crt.Screen.WaitForString "assword:"

  crt.Screen.Send "mypassword" & vbCr

  crt.Screen.Synchronous = False

End Sub

Thanks for any clarification or assistance on this.


No COM Object is applied SecureCRT scripts

Only can be applied in the SecureCRT Editor

صرح السماء كان هنا


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