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controlsettext problem

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Hey I have googled and searched net for advice but had no luck so far. I wish to "Controlsettext" to a control in a minimized window but it wont work for me.

Cant autoit do this feature in a minimized window?.. it works atm only when the window is activated.

Example of what I wanna do:

$program1=WinGetHandle("windowtitle", "" )

$program1=WinGetHandle("windowtitle", "" )

ControlSetText($program1, "", "controlID", "text")

hope someone can advice or redirect me where to search a solution.


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This works fine:

WinWait("[CLASS:Notepad; TITLE:Untitled - Notepad]")
$hWin = WinGetHandle("[CLASS:Notepad; TITLE:Untitled - Notepad]")
WinSetState($hWin, "", @SW_MINIMIZE)
ControlSetText($hWin, "", "Edit1", "New Text Here" )
WinSetState($hWin, "", @SW_RESTORE)

It might be something about your particular app.


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This works fine:

WinWait("[CLASS:Notepad; TITLE:Untitled - Notepad]")
$hWin = WinGetHandle("[CLASS:Notepad; TITLE:Untitled - Notepad]")
WinSetState($hWin, "", @SW_MINIMIZE)
ControlSetText($hWin, "", "Edit1", "New Text Here" )
WinSetState($hWin, "", @SW_RESTORE)

It might be something about your particular app.


Thx for reply. Yes it seem somehow the specific app wont allow controlsettext when minimized. Its odd thought, that it will accept other controlcommands when minimized. Anyway I found a "go around" solution to my problem.


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