john102749 Posted March 7, 2011 Share Posted March 7, 2011 Hello, This is my first AutoIt attempt, so I am sure the script could be coded better . I need a program wich should run as a service to shutdown idle workstations to save power (at a school, around 2600 workstations) The idea is to put the allowed idletime in a registry or ini file wich the script can read so the allowed idletime can be altered very easely during login process I have been studying this forum for hours and hours and come up with following script (most of it copied from other authors whom I thanks!) wich isn't all done yet, no registry or ini file and stuff, just the basic to see if it'll work. Allso a big try-and-error approach. expandcollapse popup#NoTrayIcon #AutoIt3Wrapper_UseUpx=n Global $MainLog = @ScriptDir & "\services_test2.log" Global $sServiceName = "AutoitTestService" Global $iIdleTime = _Timer_GetIdleTime() Global $IdleStart = _Timer_GetIdleTime() Global $IdleElapsed = 0 Global $IdleAllowed = 5 * 60 Global $Tick = 0 #include "Services.au3" #include <Timers.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <StaticConstants.au3> #include <Misc.au3> $Servicename = StringLeft(@ScriptName,StringInstr(@ScriptName,".")-1) $sServiceName = "AutoIt_" & $Servicename logPrint("script started") If $cmdline[0] > 0 Then Switch $cmdline[1] Case "install", "-i", "/i" InstallService() Case "remove", "-u", "/u", "uninstall" RemoveService() Case Else ConsoleWrite(" - - - Help - - - " & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite("params : " & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite(" -i : install service" & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite(" -u : remove service" & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite(" - - - - - - - - " & @CRLF) Exit ;start service. EndSwitch EndIf _Service_init($sServiceName) Func main_init() logPrint("main_init. Stop event=" & $service_stop_event) $IdleStart = _Timer_GetIdleTime() HotKeySet("{F1}", "ResetIdle") EndFunc ;==>main_init Func _Svc_Main() main_init() logPrint("main start") logPrint("main loop. evnt=" & _WinAPI_WaitForSingleObject($service_stop_event, 0)) While $gServiceStateRunning Sleep(30000) ; 30 seconden niets doen om cpu load te minderen $iIdleTime = _Timer_GetIdleTime() $IdleElapsed = int(($iIdleTime - $IdleStart) /1000 ) If $Tick = 0 Then $Tick = 1 logPrint("tick. Idle time = " & $IdleElapsed & "s") Else $Tick = 0 logPrint("tock. Idle time = " & $IdleElapsed & "s") EndIf If _IsPressed(0x01) Then ; Check if left mouse button is clicked. logPrint("mousklick time!!") $IdleStart = _Timer_GetIdleTime() EndIf If $IdleElapsed > $IdleAllowed Then logPrint("Shutdown time!!") $IdleStart = _Timer_GetIdleTime() EndIf WEnd logPrint("main outer. evnt=" & _WinAPI_WaitForSingleObject($service_stop_event, 0)) _Service_Cleanup() logPrint("main stopped.") EndFunc ;==>main Func ResetIdle() logPrint("Reset Idle Timer!!") $IdleStart = _Timer_GetIdleTime2() EndFunc ;==>ResetIdle Func logPrint($text, $nolog = 0) If $nolog Then MsgBox(0, "MyService", $text, 1) Else If Not FileExists($MainLog) Then FileWriteLine($MainLog, "Log created: " & @YEAR & "/" & @MON & "/" & @MDAY & " " & @HOUR & ":" & @MIN & ":" & @SEC) FileWriteLine($MainLog, @YEAR & @MON & @MDAY & " " & @HOUR & @MIN & @SEC & " [" & @AutoItPID & "] >> " & $text) EndIf Return 0 EndFunc ;==>logPrint Func InstallService() logPrint("InstallService(): Installing service : " & $Servicename & ", please wait") _Service_Create($sServiceName, $Servicename, $SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS, $SERVICE_AUTO_START, $SERVICE_ERROR_IGNORE,'"' & @ScriptFullPath & '"') If @error Then logPrint("Problem Installing Service, Error number is " & @error & @CRLF & " message : " & _WinAPI_GetLastErrorMessage()) Return 0 Else logPrint("Installation of Service Successful") EndIf Return 1 Exit EndFunc ;==>InstallService Func RemoveService() _Service_Stop($sServiceName) _Service_Delete($sServiceName) If Not @error Then logPrint("RemoveService(): service :" & $Servicename & " removed successfully" & @CRLF) Exit EndFunc ;==>RemoveService Good news first The script does run as a service, it installs and uninstalls good The script will allso log perfectly, I know hereby that there seem to be no syntax error A log: 20110307 212530 [2924] >> script started 20110307 212530 [2924] >> InstallService(): Installing service : IdleShutdown, please wait 20110307 212530 [2924] >> Installation of Service Successful 20110307 212541 [2920] >> script started 20110307 212541 [2920] >> main_init. Stop event=0x000001CC 20110307 212541 [2920] >> main start 20110307 212541 [2920] >> main loop. evnt=258 20110307 212611 [2920] >> tick. Idle time = 30s 20110307 212641 [2920] >> tock. Idle time = 60s 20110307 212711 [2920] >> tick. Idle time = 90s 20110307 212741 [2920] >> tock. Idle time = 120s 20110307 212811 [2920] >> tick. Idle time = 150s 20110307 212841 [2920] >> tock. Idle time = 180s 20110307 212911 [2920] >> tick. Idle time = 210s 20110307 212941 [2920] >> tock. Idle time = 240s 20110307 213012 [2920] >> tick. Idle time = 270s 20110307 213042 [2920] >> tock. Idle time = 300s 20110307 213112 [2920] >> tick. Idle time = 330s 20110307 213112 [2920] >> Shutdown time!! 20110307 213142 [2920] >> tock. Idle time = 30s 20110307 213212 [2920] >> tick. Idle time = 60s 20110307 213242 [2920] >> tock. Idle time = 90s 20110307 213305 [2580] >> script started 20110307 213305 [2580] >> RemoveService(): service :IdleShutdown removed successfully I have tried _Timer_GetIdleTime(), but that timer doesn't reset when mouse/keyboard is used I have tapped the F1 key and the left mouse key wich should reset the counter: $IdleStart But that doesn't happen. I think this has to do with the fact that the script runs as the user: system . I have searched the forum for shutdown timer, idletime, powersaving etc. But didn't found the solution. Compiled it with and without the option Console How can I make this work? Thanks in advance. John Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Developers Jos Posted March 7, 2011 Developers Share Posted March 7, 2011 Welcome John, Just out of curiosity: Why not use the build in power saving options for this? Jos SciTE4AutoIt3 Full installer Download page - Beta files Read before posting How to post scriptsource Forum etiquette Forum Rules Live for the present, Dream of the future, Learn from the past. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
john102749 Posted March 8, 2011 Author Share Posted March 8, 2011 Not using built in powersaving options cause logged in user should overwrite normal behaviour Times are debatable If pc's turned on and not used (no login) shutdown within 30 minutes If pc's last login is a student AND not used shutdown within 50 minutes If logon is a student and not used for 50 minutes, shutdown If login is a tutor and not used shutdown after 150 minutes (might have two non teaching hours) If login is administrative personel and not used after 120 minutes shutdown If pc is a tutor workplace (pc's placed so tutors can check mail etc) if turned on and time of day is after 15:00 and idle for 30 minutes shutdown (thus keeping pc powered on) There are some more if's but this give you an idea. Allso the ifs might differ per situation / building etc. In stead of shutdown a logoff might be needed, freeing up locked workstations. Allso script should finally log usage of pc, idle vs active time, who is logged on, maybe even log programs used, we have some programs teachers claim they need, wich sysops think they are not used that much (license costs) This way the usage of pc's could be charted. The users logging on are allready logged at login/off times, next to it charting idle/active usage and wich programm is used could benefit (system)management. At the moment we run a script to shutdown everything (except servers etc) at 19:00 hours. If we could shutdown earlier we might save on energycosts. (2600 pc's energy cost around 400 euro (550ish dollar) per day, there are around 200 schooldays a year - total 80000euro per year, even a small 10% saves 800euro (1100ish dollar). John Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
john102749 Posted March 8, 2011 Author Share Posted March 8, 2011 Sorry for replying my own reply but I can't edit Allso build in power saving options wouldn't really shut it down Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Developers Jos Posted March 8, 2011 Developers Share Posted March 8, 2011 Trying to think whether this is possible or not, because you are looking for running the script as a service and want to detect Keyboard and Mouse actions. SciTE4AutoIt3 Full installer Download page - Beta files Read before posting How to post scriptsource Forum etiquette Forum Rules Live for the present, Dream of the future, Learn from the past. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
john102749 Posted March 8, 2011 Author Share Posted March 8, 2011 (edited) I see there lies the problem, detecting mouse/keyboard activity when running as a service (with or without logged user) Could the following idea be reachable? Use above script as an inactivity timer when there is no logged on user, when there is a user logged on another script could kick in wich takes it from there (with _Timer_GetIdleTime() for example) The above script running as a service, should be doing something like (pseudocode) : init: while 1 if check if a user is logged in = false { countdowntimerfunction if countdowntimer reach threshold, shutdown } else { there is a logged in user, reset countdowntimers ; do nothing more, since user activated script takes it from here ; maybe watchdog that user activated script? } wend This leave me with the question, how to detect if a user is logged in when running the script as a service as user System? Searched this knowledgable forum gave me this : at the end it says twisted but it works. Maybe there is a less twisted way? If the user System is the trouble, services can allso be run with other usercredentials, but then it will be more like a user then a system service. Or is there a better way of achieving my goals? T.i.a. John Edited March 8, 2011 by john102749 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Developers Jos Posted March 8, 2011 Developers Share Posted March 8, 2011 (edited) You probably can convert the vbs code posted by somebody in our forums to detect the logged-on userids: I could imagine running a script at logon time that communicates to the Service_script via the Send Message WM_COPYDATA option. (Examples available in the forums as well) Sounds like a FUN project to work on. Edited March 8, 2011 by Jos SciTE4AutoIt3 Full installer Download page - Beta files Read before posting How to post scriptsource Forum etiquette Forum Rules Live for the present, Dream of the future, Learn from the past. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
john102749 Posted March 8, 2011 Author Share Posted March 8, 2011 Sounds like a FUN project to work on. Yups, soud as fun to me too, only thing is, I am not a programmer, more an allround ITman, doing IT since 1981, and am what older so new stuff settle harder in my brains much slower.Did autoit many years ago. Started again for this job.My final goal would be something wich does a few things;1 - powersavings, see above, powersavings is moneysaving when dealing with this amount of pc's2 - check for active/idletime per user/pc3 - check for activity on programms used, when first/last etc4 - check for new programs started on a pc so illegal programms can be killedwhatever else comes to mindAm coördinating a group of systemengineers in a school environment.As coördinator I must look at costs, since Dutch government is starting to spend less, we need to do with less.Am open to good ideas or leads... even help John Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Developers Jos Posted March 8, 2011 Developers Share Posted March 8, 2011 (edited) Yups, soud as fun to me too, only thing is, I am not a programmer, more an allround ITman, doing IT since 1981, and am what older so new stuff settle harder in my brains much slower.Lets shake hands... started in 79 in whatever they called it in those days. ..and Dutch too... Edited March 8, 2011 by Jos SciTE4AutoIt3 Full installer Download page - Beta files Read before posting How to post scriptsource Forum etiquette Forum Rules Live for the present, Dream of the future, Learn from the past. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
john102749 Posted March 10, 2011 Author Share Posted March 10, 2011 (edited) Ok, pursuing 2 progs 1 System watch If no logged on user exists Count Idletime If Idletime > allowed time, shutdown If user logged on exists Count Usertime expandcollapse popup#NoTrayIcon #AutoIt3Wrapper_UseUpx=n Global $sServiceName = StringLeft(@ScriptName,StringInstr(@ScriptName,".")-1) Global $MainLog = @ScriptDir & "\"& $sServiceName & "_test.log" Global $TimeStarted = TimerInit() Global $TimeUserStart = TimerInit() Global $TimeIdleStart = TimerInit() Global $CurrentTime = "" Global $TotalUser = 0 Global $TotalIdle = 0 Global $IdleAllowed = 60 * 10 ; Amount of minutes before shutdown is initiated! Global $Tick = 0 Global $Klick = 0 Global $Username = "" #include "Services.au3" #include <Timers.au3> logPrint("script started") If $cmdline[0] > 0 Then Switch $cmdline[1] Case "install", "-i", "/i" InstallService() Case "remove", "-u", "/u", "uninstall" RemoveService() Case Else ConsoleWrite(" - - - Help - - - " & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite("params : " & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite(" -i : install service" & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite(" -u : remove service" & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite(" - - - - - - - - " & @CRLF) Exit ;start service. EndSwitch EndIf _Service_init($sServiceName) Func _Svc_Main() ; This is the main code wich will be run when this program is a service!! LogPrint("main started.") ; Reset timers to 0 $TimeStarted = TimerInit() $TimeUserStart = TimerInit() $TimeIdleStart = TimerInit() While $gServiceStateRunning GetUser() If $Username <> "" Then If $Klick = 0 Then ; User is new $Klick = 1 ResetUser("User-new! : " & $Username & " - Idle time :" & Floor(TimerDiff($TimeIdleStart)/1000) & "s") $TotalIdle += Floor(TimerDiff($TimeIdleStart)/1000) EndIf Else If $Klick = 1 Then ; user has left $Klick = 0 ResetIdle("Userleft! : " & $Username & " - Time spent :" & Floor(TimerDiff($TimeUserStart)/1000) & "s") $TotalUser += Floor(TimerDiff($TimeUserStart)/1000) EndIf If $IdleAllowed < TimerDiff($TimeIdleStart)/1000 Then logPrint("Shutdown time!!") ; Here comes code to shut it down! EndIf EndIf $Tick += 1 If $Tick > 0 Then ; Once every x * 10 seconds write to log, heartbeat $Tick = 0 If $Klick = 0 Then ; No user $CurrentTime = "Current Idle = " & Floor(TimerDiff($TimeIdleStart)/1000) Else $CurrentTime = "Current User = " & Floor(TimerDiff($TimeUserStart)/1000) EndIf logPrint("Heartbeat. Total time = " & Floor(TimerDiff($TimeStarted)/1000) & "s - Total Idle = " & $TotalIdle & "s - Total User = " & $TotalUser & "s - " & $CurrentTime & "s") EndIf Sleep(10000) ; 10 seconds doing nothing, don't overload cpu! WEnd _Service_Cleanup() logPrint("main stopped.") EndFunc ;==>main Func GetUser() $objWMIService = Objget("winmgmts:\\localhost\root\cimv2") $colComputer = $objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_ComputerSystem") If IsObj($colComputer) Then For $objComputer In $colComputer $Username = $objComputer.UserName Next Else $Username = "" EndIf EndFunc ;==>GetUser Func ResetIdle( $Message = "" ) logPrint("Reset IdleTimer!! " & $Message ) $TimeIdleStart = TimerInit() EndFunc ;==>ResetIdle Func ResetUser( $Message = "" ) logPrint("Reset UserTimer!! " & $Message ) $TimeUserStart = TimerInit() EndFunc ;==>ResetIdle Func logPrint($text, $nolog = 0) If $nolog Then MsgBox(0, "MyService", $text, 1) Else If Not FileExists($MainLog) Then FileWriteLine($MainLog, "Log created: " & @YEAR & "/" & @MON & "/" & @MDAY & " " & @HOUR & ":" & @MIN & ":" & @SEC) FileWriteLine($MainLog, @YEAR & @MON & @MDAY & " " & @HOUR & @MIN & @SEC & " [" & @AutoItPID & "] >> " & $text) EndIf Return 0 EndFunc ;==>logPrint Func InstallService() logPrint("InstallService(): Installing service : " & $sServicename & ", please wait") _Service_Create($sServiceName, $sServicename, $SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS, $SERVICE_AUTO_START, $SERVICE_ERROR_IGNORE,'"' & @ScriptFullPath & '"') If @error Then logPrint("Problem Installing Service, Error number is " & @error & @CRLF & " message : " & _WinAPI_GetLastErrorMessage()) Return 0 Else logPrint("Installation of Service Successful") EndIf Return 1 Exit EndFunc ;==>InstallService Func RemoveService() logPrint("UnInstallService(): UnInstalling service : " & $sServicename & ", please wait") _Service_Stop($sServiceName) _Service_Delete($sServiceName) If Not @error Then logPrint("RemoveService(): service :" & $sServicename & " removed successfully" & @CRLF) Exit EndFunc ;==>RemoveService Short instructions : compile as console, install as service from command prompt with <progname -i> then start service, sc start <progname> uninstall as service, kill process in taskmanager, then from command prompt <progname -u> Log: Log created: 2011/03/10 15:13:35 20110310 151335 [1396] >> script started 20110310 151335 [1396] >> InstallService(): Installing service : IdleShutdown, please wait 20110310 151335 [1396] >> Installation of Service Successful 20110310 151343 [2988] >> script started 20110310 151343 [2988] >> main started. 20110310 151343 [2988] >> Reset UserTimer!! User-new! : PC-2011\John - Idle time :0s 20110310 151343 [2988] >> Heartbeat. Total time = 0s - Total Idle = 0s - Total User = 0s - Current User = 0s 20110310 151353 [2988] >> Heartbeat. Total time = 10s - Total Idle = 0s - Total User = 0s - Current User = 10s 20110310 151403 [2988] >> Heartbeat. Total time = 20s - Total Idle = 0s - Total User = 0s - Current User = 20s 20110310 151413 [2988] >> Heartbeat. Total time = 30s - Total Idle = 0s - Total User = 0s - Current User = 30s 20110310 151423 [2988] >> Heartbeat. Total time = 40s - Total Idle = 0s - Total User = 0s - Current User = 40s 20110310 151433 [2988] >> Heartbeat. Total time = 50s - Total Idle = 0s - Total User = 0s - Current User = 50s 20110310 151443 [2988] >> Reset IdleTimer!! Userleft! : - Time spent :60s 20110310 151443 [2988] >> Heartbeat. Total time = 60s - Total Idle = 0s - Total User = 60s - Current Idle = 0s 20110310 151453 [2988] >> Heartbeat. Total time = 70s - Total Idle = 0s - Total User = 60s - Current Idle = 10s 20110310 151503 [2988] >> Heartbeat. Total time = 80s - Total Idle = 0s - Total User = 60s - Current Idle = 20s 20110310 151513 [2988] >> Reset UserTimer!! User-new! : PC-2011\John - Idle time :30s 20110310 151513 [2988] >> Heartbeat. Total time = 90s - Total Idle = 30s - Total User = 60s - Current User = 0s 20110310 151523 [2988] >> Heartbeat. Total time = 100s - Total Idle = 30s - Total User = 60s - Current User = 10s 20110310 151533 [2988] >> Heartbeat. Total time = 110s - Total Idle = 30s - Total User = 60s - Current User = 20s 20110310 151543 [2988] >> Heartbeat. Total time = 120s - Total Idle = 30s - Total User = 60s - Current User = 30s 20110310 151553 [2988] >> Heartbeat. Total time = 130s - Total Idle = 30s - Total User = 60s - Current User = 40s 20110310 151603 [2988] >> Reset IdleTimer!! Userleft! : - Time spent :50s 20110310 151603 [2988] >> Heartbeat. Total time = 140s - Total Idle = 30s - Total User = 110s - Current Idle = 0s 20110310 151613 [2988] >> Heartbeat. Total time = 150s - Total Idle = 30s - Total User = 110s - Current Idle = 10s 20110310 151624 [2988] >> Reset UserTimer!! User-new! : PC-2011\John - Idle time :20s 20110310 151624 [2988] >> Heartbeat. Total time = 160s - Total Idle = 50s - Total User = 110s - Current User = 0s 20110310 151634 [2988] >> Heartbeat. Total time = 170s - Total Idle = 50s - Total User = 110s - Current User = 10s 20110310 151644 [2988] >> Heartbeat. Total time = 180s - Total Idle = 50s - Total User = 110s - Current User = 20s 20110310 151654 [2988] >> Heartbeat. Total time = 190s - Total Idle = 50s - Total User = 110s - Current User = 30s 20110310 151704 [2988] >> Heartbeat. Total time = 200s - Total Idle = 50s - Total User = 110s - Current User = 40s So far so good Am happy with it since it achieves my goal. A point of approvement for wich I need some help The main loop holds for 10 seconds every loop, when a user logs off or system shutdown system might wait for the 10 seconds loop One solution could be to lower the 10 seconds delay but that will create more cpu stress Is there a better way of doing that? Could this programm be improved? Now off to next part, the userprog John Edited March 10, 2011 by john102749 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shaarad Posted March 11, 2011 Share Posted March 11, 2011 If you want to check some user activity on the PC, you can use PixelChecksum command... Common sense plays a role in the basics of understanding AutoIt... If you're lacking in that, do us all a favor, and step away from the computer. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
john102749 Posted March 11, 2011 Author Share Posted March 11, 2011 Next version Added SetProcessShutdownParameters - It will now detect user loggoff before script stops Changed Sleep time to 1 sec. Responds faster when there is a shutdown going on expandcollapse popup#NoTrayIcon #AutoIt3Wrapper_UseUpx=n #include "Services.au3" #include <Timers.au3> Global $sServiceName = StringLeft(@ScriptName,StringInstr(@ScriptName,".")-1) Global $MainLog = @ScriptDir & "\"& $sServiceName & "_test.log" Global $TimeStarted = TimerInit() Global $TimeUserStart = TimerInit() Global $TimeIdleStart = TimerInit() Global $CurrentTime = "0" Global $TotalUser = 0 Global $TotalIdle = 0 Global $IdleAllowed = 60 * 10 ; Amount of minutes before shutdown is initiated! Global $Tick = 0 Global $Klick = 0 Global $Username = "" Global $b_ShutdownInitiated = False logPrint("script started") If $cmdline[0] > 0 Then Switch $cmdline[1] Case "install", "-i", "/i" InstallService() Case "remove", "-u", "/u", "uninstall" RemoveService() Case Else ConsoleWrite(" - - - Help - - - " & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite("params : " & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite(" -i : install service" & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite(" -u : remove service" & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite(" - - - - - - - - " & @CRLF) Exit ;start service. EndSwitch EndIf _Service_init($sServiceName) ; set highest notification level, user will be logged off before this script ends If Not _SetProcessShutdownParameters(0xFFF) Then ; MSDN says maximum is 0x4FF, but it worked for me If Not _SetProcessShutdownParameters(0x4FF) Then ; MSDN says this is reserved for System, but worked for me _SetProcessShutdownParameters(0x3FF) ; highest not reserved number, if everything else does not work EndIf EndIf Func _Svc_Main() ; This is the main code wich will be run when this program is a service by _service_init !! LogPrint("main started.") ; Reset timers $TimeStarted = TimerInit() $TimeUserStart = TimerInit() $TimeIdleStart = TimerInit() While $gServiceStateRunning GetUser() If $Username <> "" Then ; There is a username known If $Klick = 0 Then ; User is new $Klick = 1 $TotalIdle += Floor(TimerDiff($TimeIdleStart)/1000) ResetUser("User-new.: " & $Username & " - Total time = " & Floor(TimerDiff($TimeStarted)/1000) & "s - Total Idle = " & $TotalIdle & "s - Total User = " & $TotalUser & "s - " & $CurrentTime & "s") EndIf Else ; No username known If $Klick = 1 Then ; There was a user, user must has left $Klick = 0 $TotalUser += Floor(TimerDiff($TimeUserStart)/1000) ResetIdle("Userleft. Total time = " & Floor(TimerDiff($TimeStarted)/1000) & "s - Total Idle = " & $TotalIdle & "s - Total User = " & $TotalUser & "s - " & $CurrentTime & "s") EndIf If $IdleAllowed < TimerDiff($TimeIdleStart)/1000 Then logPrint("Shutdown time!!") ; Here comes code to shut it down! EndIf EndIf $Tick += 1 If $Tick > 60 Then ; Once every x * 1 second write to log, heartbeat $Tick = 0 If $Klick = 0 Then ; No user $CurrentTime = "Current Idle = " & Floor(TimerDiff($TimeIdleStart)/1000) Else $CurrentTime = "Current User = " & Floor(TimerDiff($TimeUserStart)/1000) EndIf logPrint("Heartbeat. Total time = " & Floor(TimerDiff($TimeStarted)/1000) & "s - Total Idle = " & $TotalIdle & "s - Total User = " & $TotalUser & "s - " & $CurrentTime & "s") EndIf Sleep(1000) ; 1 seconds doing nothing, don't overload cpu! WEnd _Service_Cleanup() logPrint("main stopped.") EndFunc ;==>main Func GetUser() $objWMIService = Objget("winmgmts:\\localhost\root\cimv2") $colComputer = $objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_ComputerSystem") If IsObj($colComputer) Then For $objComputer In $colComputer $Username = $objComputer.UserName Next Else $Username = "" EndIf EndFunc ;==>GetUser Func ResetIdle( $Message = "" ) logPrint("Reset IdleTimer!! " & $Message ) $TimeIdleStart = TimerInit() EndFunc ;==>ResetIdle Func ResetUser( $Message = "" ) logPrint("Reset UserTimer!! " & $Message ) $TimeUserStart = TimerInit() EndFunc ;==>ResetIdle Func logPrint($text, $nolog = 0) If $nolog Then MsgBox(0, "MyService", $text, 1) Else If Not FileExists($MainLog) Then FileWriteLine($MainLog, "Log created: " & @YEAR & "/" & @MON & "/" & @MDAY & " " & @HOUR & ":" & @MIN & ":" & @SEC) FileWriteLine($MainLog, @YEAR & @MON & @MDAY & " " & @HOUR & @MIN & @SEC & " [" & @AutoItPID & "] >> " & $text) EndIf Return 0 EndFunc ;==>logPrint Func InstallService() logPrint("InstallService(): Installing service : " & $sServicename & ", please wait") _Service_Create($sServiceName, $sServicename, $SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS, $SERVICE_AUTO_START, $SERVICE_ERROR_IGNORE,'"' & @ScriptFullPath & '"') If @error Then logPrint("Problem Installing Service, Error number is " & @error & @CRLF & " message : " & _WinAPI_GetLastErrorMessage()) Return 0 Else logPrint("Installation of Service Successful") EndIf Return 1 Exit EndFunc ;==>InstallService Func RemoveService() logPrint("UnInstallService(): UnInstalling service : " & $sServicename & ", please wait") _Service_Stop($sServiceName) _Service_Delete($sServiceName) If Not @error Then logPrint("RemoveService(): service :" & $sServicename & " removed successfully" & @CRLF) Exit EndFunc ;==>RemoveService Func _SetProcessShutdownParameters($dwLevel, $dwFlags=0) ; ; Prog@ndy Local $aResult = DllCall("Kernel32.dll", "int", "SetProcessShutdownParameters", "dword", $dwLevel, "dword", $dwFlags) If @error Then Return SetError(1,0,0) Return $aResult[0] EndFunc ;==>_SetProcessShutdownParameters One thing I can't achieve to do is intercept shutdown signal tried WM_QUERYENDSESSION and WM_ENDSESSION (see for examples) I can't get it to work when running a service as system on windows7 64 bit. Ahh well, need to live with that Off to the next part, detect activewindows when user is logged on, wil be another script. John Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MagicBob Posted April 21, 2011 Share Posted April 21, 2011 John - interesting idea. Given what you are trying to do (ensure machines get shut down, and prevent users from disabling this functionality) I think there are better ways to go about this. Use the native shutdown functionality in the screensaver. Establish this in a System Policy. Have your service run a script to re-enable this policy every 5 minutes. Hell, you may be able to just enable the system policy - even local admins can be prevented from touching local policy provide it's configured correctly. That's the approach I'd take. Policy is nice because it can be re-enforced on a box. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
john102749 Posted April 24, 2011 Author Share Posted April 24, 2011 I need this prog cause of variable idletimes. Prog will be used to start measuring idletime and kicks in shutdown after 90 minutes, after noon it will shutdown after 50 minutes, and shutdown after 15 minutes or so when it is after 16:00 hours There is no policy, yet, wich can do that. First prog will be used to measure benefits of using such a prog. Am learning autoits way of mysql direct write or posting to a webform so measurements can be made per school. These measurements will then be used to set the three idletimes (90 - 50 and 15 minutes) John Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
steph74 Posted April 14, 2014 Share Posted April 14, 2014 Nice project, since last post... I am looking for same things, and i found same problemes and same structure, but with three process: - one for machine idltime (if someone logged on or not) and display state (on or off duration) - one for user idltime - and one for logging time passed in working mode, standby mode, for power usage calcul (green it). Then those process logs data in window event log, and a syslog agent send it to a server to centralise data. the next goal is a php mysql application to make reports. I am not yet finished, always in test, and you ? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Moderators Melba23 Posted April 15, 2014 Moderators Share Posted April 15, 2014 steph74,You appear to have 2 accounts - this one and greenman03. I assume this is an oversight on your part and I would be happy to merge them - which account would you like to keep? M23 Any of my own code posted anywhere on the forum is available for use by others without any restriction of any kind Open spoiler to see my UDFs: Spoiler ArrayMultiColSort ---- Sort arrays on multiple columnsChooseFileFolder ---- Single and multiple selections from specified path treeview listingDate_Time_Convert -- Easily convert date/time formats, including the language usedExtMsgBox --------- A highly customisable replacement for MsgBoxGUIExtender -------- Extend and retract multiple sections within a GUIGUIFrame ---------- Subdivide GUIs into many adjustable framesGUIListViewEx ------- Insert, delete, move, drag, sort, edit and colour ListView itemsGUITreeViewEx ------ Check/clear parent and child checkboxes in a TreeViewMarquee ----------- Scrolling tickertape GUIsNoFocusLines ------- Remove the dotted focus lines from buttons, sliders, radios and checkboxesNotify ------------- Small notifications on the edge of the displayScrollbars ----------Automatically sized scrollbars with a single commandStringSize ---------- Automatically size controls to fit textToast -------------- Small GUIs which pop out of the notification area Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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