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Reboot, open and log in to a program

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Hello all I am brand new to AutoIt and to writing scripts in general so I am kind of teaching myself. I have been looking for the script commands that would allow me to restart a computer at a specified time and upon restarting open a program and log into it. I know mouse coordinates and key presses can be automated but I am not even sure if the program can continue a script after a reboot so this may not be possible in the first place. Thank you all in advance.

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Very comprehensive thank you for that. Is there a way to set parameters for shutting down at a specific time? And can you use the auto login script to auto login to a specific program or can you only use that for logging into the computer itself?

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AutoLogin just logs a user into Windows after a startup/reboot. If you want to start a specific program, there are several ways. The easiest is to put a shortcut to it in the Startup folder.

You can also look at this.

For shutting down, go to a command prompt and type

shutdown /?

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