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FileOpen from FTP Server?

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Hi Guys!

First time poster, long time AutoIT user! Just wondering if there is an easy way to open a file from an FTP Server. I have a bunch of log files on an FTP and need to open each and do some parsing. Any help would be appreciated!


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Alright, so here is what I've come up with so far...

#include <FTPEx.au3>

$server = 'ftp.address.com'
$username = 'username'
$pass = 'pass'

$Open = _FTP_Open('MyFTP Control')
$Conn = _FTP_Connect($Open, $server, $username, $pass)

Local $h_Handle
$aFile = _FTP_FindFileFirst($Conn, "/status", $h_Handle)

for $i = 1 To $aFile[1]+1 Step 1
    ConsoleWrite('$Filename = ' & $aFile[10] & ' -> Error code: ' & @error & @crlf)
    $aFile = _FTP_FindFileNext($h_Handle)

$FindClose = _FTP_FindFileClose($h_Handle)
$Ftpc = _FTP_Close($Open)

This is successfully getting the filenames from the directory. Now I need to open the file and parse it for specific words. Any pointers on where to start? Probably _FTP_FileOpen and _FTP_FileRead? Any examples on how to implement this?


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  • 2 months later...

Here is how to open txt file and read from it.

#Include <FTPEx.au3>

$s_ServerName =''
$s_Username = 'user'
$s_Password = 'pass'
$s_Remote = '/working dir name /'
$Open = _FTP_Open('MyFTP Control')
$hConnect = _FTP_Connect($Open, $s_ServerName, $s_Username, $s_Password)
_FTP_DirSetCurrent($hConnect, $s_Remote)
$dwNumberOfBytesToRead = _FTP_FileGetSize($hConnect, $lpszFileName)
$h_File = _FTP_FileOpen($hConnect, $lpszFileName)
msgbox(0,"",BinaryToString (_FTP_FileRead($h_File, $dwNumberOfBytesToRead)))
$Ftpc = _FTP_Close($Open)
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