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Objcreate get information from a method

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I have an application called Spotlight and I want to see what is available from it via com so I used the OLE/COM and found the app class and IDispatch, then found a list of methods.

The methods that are void I can trigger like Hide, Show, Minimize, Maximize etc...

Any other Method I am not able to get anything from because I am not doing something correct.

Here is my script, I also attached a screenshot of the method I am trying to pull data from

$oSpotlight= ObjCreate("Spotlight.SpotlightExConsole")
$oSpotlightGET=$oSpotlight.GetConnectionManager() ; GetConnectionManager

if Isobj($oSpotlightGET) then


for $line in $oSpotlightGET
    $String = $line.ISpotlightExConnectionManager()



Edited by burners

~~--Feel Free to Steal my Sigs --~~FLAT LOOK____________________________________ROUNDED LOOK

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What logic lead you to write that code out of that screenshot? Where do you see the collection?

The screenshot is from microsoft OLE/COM Viewer, not anything I wrote.

I wrote the code posted in code tags but its not correct because it doesn't work.

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Here is another example, this one actually works but its just a VOID Method so nothing is returned, this will Maximize then Minimize the Spotlight application

$oSpotlight= ObjCreate("Spotlight.SpotlightExConsole")


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The screenshot is from microsoft OLE/COM Viewer, not anything I wrote.

I wrote the code posted in code tags but its not correct because it doesn't work.

Could you please read again what I wrote and you quoted.

Anyway, GetConnectionManager method gets you ISpotlightExConnectionManager object. This object is not collection. This object have two methods, Connect and Disconnect. Once again, it's not a collection.




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Sorry i misunderstood, I thought that maybe "Getconnectionmanager" got all of the current connections.

How did you see that it is not a collection and that it has the properties of connect and disconnect ?

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After reading more and trying to fully understand this it looks like I am missing a piece of the puzzle.

I was basing the fact that I should get info from the method by the Intent of the Argument

The INTENT of the argument, one of the following list:

[in] - the argument value is read but not modified by the method

[out] - the argument value is not read, but is modified by the method

[in, out] - the argument value is both read and modified by the method

[out, retval] - the argument represents the return value of the method

Unfortunately if I am understanding this correctly it looks like I still need to know the arguments to pass to the methods?

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Is there any way to find the available arguments to pass to the methods or is that something I would have to get from the application developers?

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