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Closing all windows


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I have this code sample I found on the web, for some reason I get two prompts to the Log Off window, after these two are gone the windows all get closed which is a good thing. I'm just wondering how I should get rid of those two window prompts, here's the code :

Func killAllWindows()

    $WinListArr = WinList()

    For $i = 1 To $WinListArr[0][0]
            If WinVisible($WinListArr[$i][1]) Then WinClose($WinListArr[$i][1])


Func WinVisible($Title, $Text="")
    Return BitAnd(WinGetState($Title, $Text), 2)

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I'd start by getting the script to show you all the open windows contained in $WinListArr... There may be a couple of windows you'll need to exclude from the close process.

Are you telling me something I need to know or something I want to know?

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I'd start by getting the script to show you all the open windows contained in $WinListArr... There may be a couple of windows you'll need to exclude from the close process.

Yeah I went too fast, only checked the content of [1] instead of [0] so I was seeing their address instead of the titles. Decided to change the code so that it could take an array of exclusions.

Thanks mate.

For some reason Program Manager was in the list of windows to close.

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