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Interacting with forms

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Hello everyone. Again, I am new to AutoIt; I only know the basics.

Does anyone know how to interact with a form in IE?

For example, consider a very simple form with only one button, which submits the form.

If I know the ID of this control (specified in the HTML markup), is there a way to click on the button using AutoIt?

I know one approach to solve this could be by hitting the tab key several times using the Send() function, and, once the cursor is selecting the desired control, clicking on it by pressing enter. However, I am looking for a more reliable solution: something that will look for an id of a control in a web page and then, if found, interact with it. I know there must be a form using the IE UDFs to achieve this, but the documentation is very unclear and I am unable to understand it.

Could someone post the function or combination of functions that solves this problem? Thanks. An example with the function in use would be appreciated.

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The issue here is not that the documentation is not clear, but that you do not have a good understanding of the AutoIt language in general. I'd suggest that you run through the " tutorial to help you get a better understanding. Every IE.au3 function has an example of its use and detailed explanations of the parameters.

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