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Get STDOUT handle form a existing process

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I have look in the forums for answers but have found none that can really solve my problem.

Basically I'm making a program that is a advanced GUI control center for multiple srcds(Source Dedicated Server) and every thing will be done through the console.

I know c++ so if this is easer to to in that i can make a dll and just do that but other than that i need help.

thanks is any one's reply's

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So you're suggesting taking over ( redirecting ) the stdout stream of an existing process, processsing it's buffer data, then doing whatever it is you want? And you're capable of this in C++?

I'm aware of being able to catch the console buffer data, but I'd be interested to see how you wrote ( or would write ) this in another language.

If it can be done there, it most likely can be done here.

My fear factor is watching the parent app that called it blow up.

Common sense plays a role in the basics of understanding AutoIt... If you're lacking in that, do us all a favor, and step away from the computer.

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