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IE hotkeyset help


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Hello, I'm very new to auto script so please be nice, like 3 days new.

I am trying to set up a hotkey so that when I hit the key, it will perform mouse movement and clicking through a webpage.

I have tried:

HotKeySet( "{SPACE}" )

I am just unsure on how to get it to actually work and then run it through a web page.

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Hello, I'm very new to auto script so please be nice, like 3 days new.

I am trying to set up a hotkey so that when I hit the key, it will perform mouse movement and clicking through a webpage.

I have tried:

HotKeySet( "{SPACE}" )

I am just unsure on how to get it to actually work and then run it through a web page.

Hello, Prae! Welcome to AutoIt!

Basically, HotKeySet requires 2 parameters to function properly:

HotKeySet(Desired Key, Function to Call)

So, basically, what you need to do is this:

HotKeySet("{SPACE}", "DoStuff")

Func DoStuff()
     ;...Your function goes here

PM me if you need more help!

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