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I'm creating a gui-basedgame in AutoIt which will have the possibility to create some own extensions. These extensions will be written in AutoIt but for really executing them some files from autoit are needed. These are the includes and autoit.exe. But can I just copy the files and put them into my game. Or do there have to be some extra files with them...



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You don't need to ship autoit3.exe with your game. Any compiled script has the ability to run uncompiled scripts. This has the benefit that you do not need to ship several versions of AutoIt with your code.

I have demonstrated the technique with a plugin architecture here: and here:

As for the license,

Reproduction and Distribution. You may reproduce and distribute an unlimited number of copies of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT either in whole or in part; each copy should include all copyright and trademark notices, and shall be accompanied by a copy of this EULA. Copies of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT may be distributed as a standalone product or included with your own product.

All you have to do is supply the license along side the AutoIt files. Make sure that you yourself also understand what the license says, and then try to understand the intent of the developers rather than tear it apart word for word.
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OK!! But do there has to be a link in the program to the AutoIt Licence??

Something like this

$infomenu=guictrlcreatemenu("Info") ;create info-menu
$autoitlicense=guictrlcreatemenuitem("AutoIt-License", $infomenu) ;create link to autoit-licence

When the menuitem is activated following line is executed:

shellexecute(@appdatadir & "\Go Cops!\core\autoitlicence.htm") ;Open licence in default web-browser
Edited by nodrugs15
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It doesn't say anywhere, nor have I said anywhere, that you must make a link in the program to the AutoIt license. You have to distribute the license with your code. In layman's terms: If you zip your program and send it to your friend, when your friend unzips your program, your friend must now have a copy of the license. 8)

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