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NVidia Apply Desktop Settings after reboot


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The NVidia Control Panel under Windows 7 and Vista sometimes does not apply the saved Desktop Color Settings after a reboot. (See NVidia Forum Post). This script runs the NVidia Control Panel and toggles the Choose how color is set value from NVidia to Other and back again. This causes the saved NVidia settings to be applied.

2011-08-25 - v1.1 Added support for multiple monitors.

2011-08-30 - v1.2 Added retry loop to multiple monitor detect.

2011-10-03 - v1.3 Added Single Monitor Only version.

2011-10-14 - v1.4 Improved multiple monitor detection


Edited by AGlassman
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  • 1 month later...

The NVidia Control Panel under Windows 7 and Vista sometimes does not apply the saved "Desktop Color Settings" after a reboot. (See NVidia Forum Post). This script runs the NVidia Control Panel and toggles the "Choose how color is set" value from NVidia to Other and back again. This causes the saved NVidia settings to be applied.

2011-08-25 - V1.1 Added support for multiple monitors.

2011-08-30 - V1.2 Added retry loop to multiple monitor detect.

I tried it since I have used AutoIt for other things in the past, and I think it is a nifty solution to the perpetual bug. Nonetheless, when I try to use it, I get an error when it is at the NVCPL_Monitor_Count trying to count the number of display icons. At the 3rd attempt it crashes with an error message that says: "Error desc: 'Nvidia Control Panel, 'Select a task', 'Display', 'Adjust desktop color settings' pane, no display icons found'."

Why am I getting this error? And why do I need to count the monitors or displays? I only have one. Can't it just toggle the "Use Nvidia settings" radio button and that's it?

Please advise on how to fix this or modify this file. Thank you much in advance.


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  • 3 weeks later...


The method for finding the number of monitors was based on looking for specific pixels (the small green bar in the bottom left of the display icons), and it never worked as well as I would have liked. I have problems with it myself, but I need it because I have multiple monitors.

I have posted a new ZIP (NVidia_ApplyDesktopSettings_V1.3.zip) that has a seperate version of the code that only works for a single monitor, but does not have the pixel seatch problem.

Please let me know if the Single Monitor version works for you.

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