realmccoy01 Posted October 3, 2011 Posted October 3, 2011 How would I go about looping the entire script several times: ;Declare AutoIT Settings --------------------- ;* These are delays for script execution, increase to slow the script down. ;* Numbers here are in milliseconds. AutoItSetOption("MouseClickDelay", 2000 ) AutoItSetOption("WinWaitDelay", 3000) AutoItSetOption("MouseClickDelay", 1500) AutoItSetOption("SendKeyDelay", 700) ;Declare Globals Here ------------------------ Global $_LoginName = "" ;The person you're logged in as/Want to login as Global $_LoginPassword = "" ;Login Pass Global $fmAMDSNagScreen = 1 ;Declare Functions to Run Here --------------- ;* This area is for calling out the functions to run from below.d ;* Default is: _Read_EXCEL(), _Login(), _CreateChartNotes() Global $_R = _Login() ;_Login() ;_Login() ;Waits 20 secs to load. - SS is buggy with this. ;_PrintOut() ;Debugging ;Run("C:\Program Files\AAA\Apps\program.exe") ;***************************************************************************************** ;* _Login - Sets user/pass on Login screen ;***************************************************************************************** ;Do $_R Func _Login() ;Dim $_UserID = "administrator" -Depricated ;Dim $_Pass = "administrator" ;Start SS Run("C:\Program Files\e-MDs\Solution Series\Apps\program.exe") WinWaitActive("Splash Screen") ;Set UserName ControlClick("Splash Screen", "", "[CLASS:TEdit; INSTANCE:2]") ControlSend("Splash Screen", "", "[CLASS:TEdit; INSTANCE:2]", "{BACKSPACE 13}") Sleep(700) ControlSend("Splash Screen", "", "[CLASS:TEdit; INSTANCE:2]", $_LoginName) ;Set Password ControlSend("Splash Screen", "", "[CLASS:TEdit; INSTANCE:1]", $_LoginPassword) ;Press OK ControlClick("Splash Screen", "OK", "[CLASS:TButton; INSTANCE:2]") ;Handle Fax monitor - Uncomment to handle FaxMonitor if open ;WinWaitActive( "e-MDs Fax Monitor" ) ;WinClose( "e-MDs Fax Monitor" ) ;Open Chart ;*Wait for SS to be active (inconsistant) ;WinWaitActive( "e-MDs Solution Series" ) ;Sleep(20000) ProgressOn("Waiting for SS to Load - 20 seconds", "Increments every second", "0 percent") For $i = 5 To 100 Step 5 Sleep(1000) ProgressSet($i, $i & " percent") Next ProgressSet(100, "Done", "Complete") Sleep(500) ProgressOff() ;*Click Chart on the top menu bar ;ControlClick("e-MDs Solution Series", "", "[CLASS:TfcShapeBtn; INSTANCE:6]") ;Handle First NagBox - Uncomment to handle Nag screen ;HandleLicenseThing2() ;Click Folder ;WinWaitActive("e-MDs Chart - Duz") ;ControlClick("e-MDs Chart - Duz", "", "[CLASS:TPanel; INSTANCE:6]") EndFunc ;==>_Login #region ---Au3Recorder generated code Start --- Opt("WinWaitDelay",100) Opt("WinDetectHiddenText",1) Opt("MouseCoordMode",0) _WinWaitActivate("placel (G2)","") MouseClick("left",287,37,1) MouseClick("left",284,58,1) #region --- Internal functions --- Func _WinWaitActivate($title,$text,$timeout=0) WinWait($title,$text,$timeout) If Not WinActive($title,$text) Then WinActivate($title,$text) WinWaitActive($title,$text,$timeout) EndFunc MouseClick("left",88,118,1) _WinWaitActivate("placel (G2)","") MouseClick("left",48,65,1) _WinWaitActivate("placel (G2) - [Posting]","Zero(0) Balance") ;The following code enter's in a patient search Send("smith,a{ENTER}") _WinWaitActivate("Find Bill Patient","Include Inactive Pat") MouseClick("left",127,90,1) ;The extra mouse click is to make sure focus is set on the window MouseClick("left",248,14,1) Send("{ALTDOWN}w{ALTUP}") ;_WinWaitActivate("fmEMDSNagScreen","I have read and unde") ;MouseClick("left",57,397,1) ;Send("{ALTDOWN}o{ALTUP}") ;~ #region --- This section enters in ICD9 and CPT codes ;_WinWaitActivate("Bill Charges & Payments ( Smith, Aileen L )","Print Patient Educat") ;_WinWaitActivate("TfmBILLChargePayment") MouseClick("left",106,329,1) Send("514{ENTER}") MouseClick("left",139,476,1) Send("99215{ENTER}") MouseClick("left",376,61,1) ;_WinWaitActivate("Claim Prepare (Patient: Smith, Aileen, Invoice No: 312, Insurance: Medicaid)","Signed Auth Form Blk") ;I removed the statement above because the script was looking for the name of the patient and the invoice number. I am currently ;~ ;researching how to fix this issue 2011-0915 Send("{ALTDOWN}x{ALTUP}") #region --- Closing the application --- ;_WinWaitActivate(" Charges & Pay ( Smith, Aileen L )","Print Pat Educat") MouseClick("left",921,55,1) _WinWaitActivate("Information","&Yes") MouseClick("left",102,102,1) _WinWaitActivate("Print Options","Invoice Print Option") MouseClick("left",78,51,1) ;_WinWaitActivate("placel (G2) - [Posting (Pat: Smith, Aileen L DOB: 02/16/88) (Default Pro: Wallace, Henry R) (Inv Cnt: 4)]","Posting (Patient: Sm") MouseClick("left",43,203,1) _WinWaitActivate("placel (G2)","") MouseClick("left",19,35,1) MouseClick("left",28,145,1) _WinWaitActivate("Confirm","&Yes") MouseClick("left",113,108,1)
rcmaehl Posted October 3, 2011 Posted October 3, 2011 Put the entire script in a while statement My UDFs are generally for me. If they aren't updated for a while, it means I'm not using them myself. As soon as I start using them again, they'll get updated.My Projects WhyNotWin11Cisco Finesse, Github, IRC UDF, WindowEx UDF
realmccoy01 Posted October 3, 2011 Author Posted October 3, 2011 Thanks , but how would I go about doing this? ( I am a newbie )
somdcomputerguy Posted October 4, 2011 Posted October 4, 2011 how would I go about doing this?Keyword While...WEnd - Bruce /*somdcomputerguy */ If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.
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