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Hi guys,

Behold my first UDF, _regClone(). I wrote this because I want to back up registry entries over a reboot on a foreign computer and can't be sure of which parts of the file system have write access, survive a reboot due to configuration of disk cleaners etc. (and obviously if I can write to a certain section of the registry then none of this will be an issue).

Thanks to Kurt (/dev/null) for making this possible by extending the RegRead() function!

Please do let me know if you use/like it or if you have suggestions for improvement.



; _regClone()

; Clones an entire registry key to another location.


; Requirements:

; AutoIt v3.1.1.56 or later


; Syntax:

; _regClone($srcKey, $tgtKey)


; Parameters:

; * $srcKey: location of key to clone.

; * $tgtKey: location of cloned key.


; Examples:

; * _regClone("HKLM\Software\AutoIt v3", "HKLM\Software\AutoIt v3 Backup")

; * _regClone("HKCU\Software\Adobe", "HKCU\Software\AdobeBackup")


; @error return values:

; * 0: success

; * 1: could not write to target sub/key

; * 2: could not read from source sub/key


; Author:

; Alex Peters, 9/7/2005


; Notes:

; * The _regClone() function calls itself recursively to clone subkeys. If

; renaming the function then be sure to update the function's code to

; reflect this name change.

; ____________________________________________________________________________

func _regClone($srcKey, $tgtKey)

; Create target key (necessary if source key is empty).

if (regWrite($tgtKey) = 0) then




; Enumerate source key's values and write them to the target key.

local $valIdx = 1

while (1)

local $valName = regEnumVal($srcKey, $valIdx)

; There are no more values if @error = -1.

if (@error = -1) then exitLoop

; The source key could not be read if @error = 1.

if (@error = 1) then




local $valData = regRead($srcKey, $valName)

local $valType


case @extended = 1

$valType = "REG_SZ"

case @extended = 2

$valType = "REG_EXPAND_SZ"

case @extended = 3

$valType = "REG_BINARY"

case @extended = 4

$valType = "REG_DWORD"

case @extended = 7

$valType = "REG_MULTI_SZ"


if (regWrite($tgtKey, $valName, $valType, $valData) = 0) then




$valIdx = $valIdx + 1


; Enumerate source key's subkeys and write them to the target key.

local $subkeyIdx = 1

while (1)

local $subkey = "\" & regEnumKey($srcKey, $subkeyIdx)

; @error = -1 if there are no more subkeys.

if (@error = -1) then exitLoop

; @error = 1 if the key could not be read.

if (@error = 1) then




_regClone($srcKey & $subkey, $tgtKey & $subkey)

; Propagate any error back to the caller.

if (@error) then




$subkeyIdx = $subkeyIdx + 1



10/7/2005: Function now copies empty keys as expected (thanks Lazycat).

21/10/2005: Added as a file download (see above).

Edited by LxP
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Good function, this can be usefull in some situations. Works just fine, except fact, that not copy empty keys...

Thanks for pointing that out, Lazycat!

I originally had code to explicitly create the key, but after testing I removed it because RegWrite() would create it to hold the subkeys and/or values. I didn't give any thought to empty keys. :)

I suppose I should have re-tested!

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LxP, nice work. This definitely a useful function. What's next?

Thanks busysignal! :evil:

I'm looking at writing some more registry-related functions along the lines of _regFind() and _regReplace(). It will be possible to limit the search to a specific key, to work with key names, item names and/or item values and to search for a whole value or part thereof.

I'm hoping that no one else beats me to it because I sure would like to make some contributions to the AutoIt package of my own! :)

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Thanks busysignal! :D

I'm looking at writing some more registry-related functions along the lines of _regFind() and _regReplace(). It will be possible to limit the search to a specific key, to work with key names, item names and/or item values and to search for a whole value or part thereof.

I'm hoping that no one else beats me to it because I sure would like to make some contributions to the AutoIt package of my own! :D


Yes, you could write a whole suite of _regTools. If you do a search for registry udfs you will find that there are some but not what you are doing.

Also, you should make a option in any replace or remove functions that have the ability to write the regkey/data to a file as a backup. I don't know of too many registry tools that actually have a UNDO history capability. :)

Cheers.. :evil:

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