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Save As - like dialog box pauses execution

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K, website I am automating has what looks like a button that when you click it, lets you upload a file. The class is #32770. Problem is, and I see this has been discussed quite a bit in the forums, execution pauses while this window is open. The best workaround I found suggested is giving the button focus then using controlsend to send the enter command. The issue I am having is the "button" does not appear to be "focusable". Not sure if this is a valid test, but I am unable to tab to the button. The info tool does not seem to recognize the button as the only thing that seems to change when I use it over the button vs other parts of the page is the contolclick coords. Anyone know of any other workarounds?

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Look at the web page's source code. Find the button and somewhere nearby should be an ID for the button. It may appear something like this:

<input type='submit' id='statusSubmitGlobal' class='ipsButton_secondary' value='Update' />

In the example above, you would refer to statusSubmitGlobal.

#include <ByteMe.au3>

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