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RunWait(@ComSpec or just RunWait


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I need to achive this:> C:File.rar with this line:> RunWait(@ComSpec & " /k " & "'C:Program FilesWinRARRar.exe a -av -m5 -o+ -r -sfx'" & '' & GUICtrlRead($Archive) & '' & GUICtrlRead($Name) & '' & '.rar')

I have tried every combination, and even moving the .rar to different locations in the line, and I'm pulling my hair out trying to figure this out.

The GUI part is working, it brings up the rar cmd window, but either sits there or gives an error: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect., depending on how things are changed.


#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>

Opt('MustDeclareVars', 1)

;Global $Program = "C:Program FilesWinRAR"

Dim $msg, $fsf

Dim $guiHandle = GUICreate("RAR", 200, 135)

GUICtrlCreateLabel('Name of RAR:' , 5, 5, 190)

Dim $Name = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 5, 20, 165)

GUICtrlCreateLabel('Archive File:' , 5, 50, 190)

Dim $Archive = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 5, 65, 165)

Dim $Folder = GUICtrlCreateButton( '...', 170, 65, 25, 22)

Dim $rarbutton = GUICtrlCreateButton("Run RAR", 5, 108, 75)

Dim $exitbutton = GUICtrlCreateButton("Exit", 120, 108, 75)

GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $guiHandle )

While 1

$msg = GUIGetMsg($guiHandle )


Case $msg == $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Or $msg = $exitbutton


Case $msg == $Folder

$fsf = FileSelectFolder('Choose Folder to Archive', '')

If Not @error Then GUICtrlSetData($Archive, $fsf)

Case $msg == $rarbutton

RunWait(@ComSpec & " /k " & "'C:Program FilesWinRARRar.exe a -av -m5 -o+ -r -sfx'" & '' & GUICtrlRead($Archive) & '' & GUICtrlRead($Name) & '' & '.rar')

Case Default



Edited by SWB
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if this shows up twice then blame the forum software.

rar is just another of the multitude of archivers built on 7zip so why waste your time with it?

just use the 7zip command line version instead and you will find it much easier.


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if this shows up twice then blame the forum software.

rar is just another of the multitude of archivers built on 7zip so why waste your time with it?

just use the 7zip command line version instead and you will find it much easier.

I prefer WinRAR at this point in time btw copyright for WinRAR 1993, 7-Zip copyright 1999.

Thanks, though for the info.

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