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Not Reading INI files correctly OR logic errors

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I am currently having problems with a program that I am making with autoit, I have a GUI window that has several buttons on it and one of those buttons I want to disable when there is no proxy settings in the settings file, which happens to be an ini.

The GUI part I am fine with, but I am having troubles with the INI reading part. No matter what I do, the IniRead() function does not appear to actually read the file but just defaults to TRUE. Perhaps my code can help explain:

$proxy = False
If IniRead("settings.ini", "proxy", "proxyhost", False) Then
$proxy = True
MsgBox(0, "Test", "found proxyhost")
$proxy = False
If IniRead("settings.ini", "proxy", "proxyport", False) Then
$proxy = True
MsgBox(0, "Test", "found proxyport")
$proxy = False
MsgBox(0, "Test", $proxy)

and the settings.ini file (when it is filled):


Is there any glaring flaws in my code? I cannot seem to figure it out, currently all the MsgBox()s trigger even when settings.ini is empty... any thoughts?

Thanks for reading (and posting!)

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IniRead reads a string value.

Try this:

If "abc" Then ConsoleWrite("Yes!" & @LF)
If "False" Then ConsoleWrite("Yes too!" & @LF)

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SQLite official website with full documentation (may be newer than the SQLite library that comes standard with AutoIt)

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if what jchds is true then you'll have to just to assign a certain String value to a non existing proxy setting.

For example you put




If IniRead("settings.ini", "proxy", "proxyhost", "n/a") Then

Just a quick thought though, never worked with .ini files...

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Thanks to Jchd, I now have the answer.

Instead of having a default value I just made it so that it returns nothing if it doesn't get anything from the INI so that it won't return false-positives:

$proxy = False
If IniRead("settings.ini", "proxy", "proxyhost", "")  Then
$proxy = True
If IniRead("settings.ini", "proxy", "proxyport", "") Then
$proxy = True
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