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Need to get into an IE frame.

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#include <IE.au3>

Opt("WinTitleMatchMode", 2)

If WinExists("SF CRM") Then

WinActivate("SF CRM")

$oIE = _IEAttach("SF CRM")

$oFrames = _IEFrameGetCollection ($oIE)

$iNumFrames = @extended

For $i = 0 to ($iNumFrames - 1)

$oFrame = _IEFrameGetCollection ($oIE, $i)

MsgBox(0, "Frame Info", _IEPropertyGet ($oFrame, "outerText"))



So this gets me the list of different frames in my open IE.

The "button" I need to click is not in the 'default' frame.

_IEPropertyGet ($oFrame, "outerText") returns "Customer Service - Home" as one of the frames. I believe this is the one I need to get focused on in order to use "_IELinkClickByIndex" to open a specific function.

So how do I get into a specifc frame?



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For $oFrame In $oFrames
MsgBox(0, "Frame Info", _IEPropertyGet ($oFrame, "outerText"))

switch your loop with the above...you can also use $oFrame.outertext

Inside the loop, you will need to do some logic to check if you are in the proper frame node, and if you are, exit the loop, and proceed with $oFrame to drill into it, and find your specific link.

Edited by jdelaney
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For $oFrame In $oFrames
MsgBox(0, "Frame Info", _IEPropertyGet ($oFrame, "outerText"))

switch your loop with the above...you can also use $oFrame.outertext

Inside the loop, you will need to do some logic to check if you are in the proper frame node, and if you are, exit the loop, and proceed with $oFrame to drill into it, and find your specific link.

Never could get the "For" loop to work. Here is what became my final solution. Not really sure I understand why one works and the other doesn't.

#Region ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI ****






#EndRegion ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI ****

#include <IE.au3>

Opt("WinTitleMatchMode", 2)

If WinExists("SF CRM") Then

WinActivate("SF CRM")

$oIE = _IEAttach("SF CRM")

$oFrames = _IEFrameGetCollection ($oIE)

$iNumFrames = @extended

For $i = 0 to ($iNumFrames - 1)

$oFrame = _IEFrameGetCollection ($oIE, $i)

_IELinkClickByText($oFrame,"Create Item")






$oIE = _IECreate("http://crm-app.csa1.com/trackweb/TrackWeb.asp", 1)


WinWaitActive("- SF CRM")

$oIE = _IEAttach("- SF CRM")

$oFrames = _IEFrameGetCollection ($oIE)

$iNumFrames = @extended

For $i = 0 to ($iNumFrames - 1)

$oFrame = _IEFrameGetCollection ($oIE, $i)

_IELinkClickByText($oFrame,"Create Item")






I also didn't understand why I had to change from $oFrame to $oIE after the first click from my "For" loop. (I'm just happy it works, I didn't think I would ever get to that button.)


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