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Do Until Loop stuck

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I am trying to extract information from a CSV file and store the value into another file. This part is fine.

Now I am trying to fix an issue where I want to trim the returned value from an array to certain number of characters.

For example:

I return a value of "Technology". I want the string to be only 4 characters, so I figure I could remove 1 character at a time until the String length is 4 characters.

I can't always trim 6 characters though because I don't know if the returned string is always going to be the same length, so this is why I remove 1 character at a time until I reach the desired string length.

The problem is that the program never outputs the results for me in a message box like it's supposed, so I think it is stuck in it's loop.

Here is the code.

$csvLines = InputBox("CSV File","Please enter the number of lines in your CSV file.")
$csvDir = FileSelectFolder("Please select the directory of your CSV File.","C:\")
For $i = 2 To $csvLines
$data = FileReadLine($csvDir & "\data.csv",$i)
$dataArray = StringSplit($data,",")
If StringLen($dataArray[2]) > 8 Then
Until StringLen($dataArray[2]) = 8
$2 = $dataArray[2]
$2 = $dataArray[2]
If StringLen($dataArray[3]) > 3 Then
Until StringLen($dataArray[3]) = 3
$3 = $dataArray[3]
$3 = $dataArray[3]
If StringLen($dataArray[1]) > 2 Then
Until StringLen($dataArray[1]) = 2
$1 = $dataArray[1]
$1 = $dataArray[1]
$dataArray = StringSplit($data,",")
MsgBox(0,"",$2 & $3 & $1 & @CR & @CR & $dataArray[2] & ", " & $dataArray[3] & ", " & $dataArray[1])

If anyone can see how I can resolve this I'd be very appreciative.


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You could use StringLeft($sString, 4) to get the first 4 characters of the string, and create a conditional based on the StringLen() of the item. So if the item is only 4 characters or less, skip performing the StringLeft()


“Hello, ladies, look at your man, now back to me, now back at your man, now back to me. Sadly, he isn’t me, but if he stopped using ladies scented body wash and switched to Old Spice, he could smell like he’s me. Look down, back up, where are you? You’re on a boat with the man your man could smell like. What’s in your hand, back at me. I have it, it’s an oyster with two tickets to that thing you love. Look again, the tickets are now diamonds. Anything is possible when your man smells like Old Spice and not a lady. I’m on a horse.”


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That worked great! Thank you for the help.

$csvLines = InputBox("CSV File","Please enter the number of lines in your CSV file.")
$csvDir = FileSelectFolder("Please select the directory of your CSV File.","C:\")
For $i = 2 To $csvLines
$data = FileReadLine($csvDir & "\Data.csv",$i)
$dataArray = StringSplit($data,",")
If StringLen($dataArray[2]) > 8 Then
$2 = StringLeft($dataArray[2],8)
$2 = $dataArray[2]
If StringLen($dataArray[3]) > 3 Then
$3 = StringLeft($dataArray[3],3)
$3 = $dataArray[3]
If StringLen($dataArray[1]) > 2 Then
$1 = StringRight($dataArray[1],2)
$1 = $dataArray[1]
MsgBox(0,"",$2 & $3 & $1 & @CR & @CR & $dataArray[2] & ", " & $dataArray[3] & ", " & $dataArray[1])
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