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help with _ScreenCapture_Capture


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Hi ,

I am making an app which works on loop and capturing screen shots.

#include <ScreenCapture.au3>
Func _Main()
    Local $hBmp[10]
    while $i<10
    ; Capture full screen
    $hBmp[$i] = _ScreenCapture_Capture("GDIPlus_Image"&$i&".jpg")

EndFunc   ;==>_Main

This works perfectly fine unless I launch a full screen application such as a game.

What it does , is just capture the first shot and then saves it all over.

Help me over this please.


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some games have print screen protection (like steam games, etc..)

try to run it with elevated privileges or create a hidden form on top most...not sure why the "prt sc" doesn't work, but could be those two ways...

Heroes, there is no such thing

One day I'll discover what IE.au3 has of special for so many users using it.
C'mon there'sĀ InetReadĀ and WinHTTP, way better

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some games have print screen protection (like steam games, etc..)

try to run it with elevated privileges or create a hidden form on top most...not sure why the "prt sc" doesn't work, but could be those two ways...

Thanks for the reply.

Yes that game has screent shot option. But how do i use it using auto it ?

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