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Clean up shop for all users on a PC


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If anyone's interested, I recently set out to write a small AutoIT script to clean up computers with many users and a million useless temporary files.

It works great (on my computer anyways) and it's godsent in BartPE (bootable XP CD) since it's a pain to manually flush every folder.

It isn't pretty but if anyone wants to try it out feel free :dance:

Oh yeah it isn't "optimized" and there's a lot of useless redundant code. I might get around to tightening it eventually. Also it hasn't been tested on too many computers so you should take care in running the program since it does delete stuff ... so please don't trust it too blindly :whistle:

Here ya go:

; MiniCleaner 1.04
; A simple program to delete ALL temporary data on a single computer, recursively
; going through all possible folders and drives
; Still rather experimental so be careful!!!
; A good candidate for BartPE;)
; In english to be able to share with ... english programmers
; Louis Horvath, 6 aout 2005

; ==== SYSTEM VARIABLES ======================================================
#NoTrayIcon; No annoying tray icon
#include <GuiConstants.au3>; Needed to make GUIs
#include <Array.au3>; Needed to work with arrays

; ==== PROGRAM VARIABLES =====================================================
$WIN = "\Windows"; Most common folder for windows
$WINNT = "\WinNT"; Windows NT
$DAS = "\Documents and Settings"; Base of all user data
$LS_Temp = "\Local Settings\Temp"; All those pesky temp files
$LS_TIF = "\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5"; All that crappy IE stuff
$Temp = "\Temp"; Simple temporary folder (usually within Windows)
$Systemprofile = "\system32\config\systemprofile"; Nicely hidden junk ...
$All = "\*.*"; All files within
$S = "\"; Backslash
Dim $Drives[26]; Array containing all drive letters and data

; ==== MAIN PROGRAM ==========================================================
; Verify if user is administrator (!)
If Not IsAdmin() Then Exit; Rather self-explanatory

; Make sure program is started only once

; Get list of drives on system
$Drive_AMOUNT = Find_DRIVES()

; ==== SETUP PROMPT ==========================================================
$iMsgBoxAnswer = MsgBox(547, "MiniCleaner v.1.04", "MiniCleaner will erase ALL temporary files" & @CRLF & "for all users on this computer." & @CRLF & @CRLF & "Would you like a verbose output?" & @CRLF & "(usually for debug purposes)")
    Case $iMsgBoxAnswer = 6;Yes
        $Verbose = 1
    Case $iMsgBoxAnswer = 7;No
        $Verbose = 0
    Case $iMsgBoxAnswer = 2;Cancel

; ==== MAIN LOOP =============================================================
; Go through with all drives on system
For $i = 1 To $Drive_AMOUNT
; Clear out Temp in main drive folder
    If FileExists($Drives[$i] & $Temp) Then
        If $Verbose Then MsgBox(1, "Clear out Temp in main drive folder", "Erasing " & $Drives[$i] & $Temp)
        Zap_FOLDER($Drives[$i] & $Temp)
; Clear out Temp within Windows folder
    If FileExists($Drives[$i] & $WIN & $Temp) Then; Temp in main drive folder
        If $Verbose Then MsgBox(1, "Clear out Temp within Windows folder", "Erasing " & $Drives[$i] & $WIN & $Temp)
        Zap_FOLDER($Drives[$i] & $WIN & $Temp)
; Clear out (hidden) temp within SystemcProfile folder
    If FileExists($Drives[$i] & $WIN & $Systemprofile & $LS_Temp) Then; Temp in main drive folder
        If $Verbose Then MsgBox(1, "Clear out (hidden) temp within SystemcProfile folder", "Erasing " & $Drives[$i] & $WIN & $Systemprofile & $LS_Temp)
        Zap_FOLDER($Drives[$i] & $WIN & $Systemprofile & $LS_Temp)
; Clear out (hidden) IE files within SystemcProfile folder
    If FileExists($Drives[$i] & $WIN & $Systemprofile & $LS_TIF) Then; Temp in main drive folder
        If $Verbose Then MsgBox(1, "Clear out (hidden) IE files within SystemcProfile folder", "Erasing " & $Drives[$i] & $WIN & $Systemprofile & $LS_TIF)
        Zap_FOLDER($Drives[$i] & $WIN & $Systemprofile & $LS_TIF)
; Clear out Temp within WinNT folder
    If FileExists($Drives[$i] & $WINNT & $Temp) Then; Temp in main drive folder
        If $Verbose Then MsgBox(1, "Clear out Temp within WinNT folder", "Erasing " & $Drives[$i] & $WINNT & $Temp)
        Zap_FOLDER($Drives[$i] & $WINNT & $Temp)
; Clear out (hidden) temp within SystemcProfile folder
    If FileExists($Drives[$i] & $WINNT & $Systemprofile & $LS_Temp) Then; Temp in main drive folder
        If $Verbose Then MsgBox(1, "Clear out (hidden) temp within SystemcProfile folder", "Erasing " & $Drives[$i] & $WINNT & $Systemprofile & $LS_Temp)
        Zap_FOLDER($Drives[$i] & $WINNT & $Systemprofile & $LS_Temp)
; Clear out (hidden) IE files within SystemcProfile folder
    If FileExists($Drives[$i] & $WINNT & $Systemprofile & $LS_TIF) Then; Temp in main drive folder
        If $Verbose Then MsgBox(1, "Clear out (hidden) IE files within SystemcProfile folder", "Erasing " & $Drives[$i] & $WINNT & $Systemprofile & $LS_TIF)
        Zap_FOLDER($Drives[$i] & $WINNT & $Systemprofile & $LS_TIF)
; Empty the recycle bin just in case ...
    If $Verbose Then MsgBox(1, "Empty Recycle Bin", "Emptying RecycleBin on drive " & $Drives[$i])
; Search and destroy within Documents and Settings
    If FileExists($Drives[$i] & $DAS) Then; Documents and Settings on this drive
        If $Verbose Then MsgBox(1, "DAS", "Documents and Settings found on drive " & $Drives[$i])
        $FFF_DAS = FileFindFirstFile($Drives[$i] & $DAS & $All); Start off search
        If $FFF_DAS <> - 1 Then; Follow through if more than 0 elements found
            While 1
                $Next_DAS = FileFindNextFile($FFF_DAS); Get the folder's name
                If @error Then ExitLoop; Whoops, finished
                If $Next_DAS <> "." And $Next_DAS <> ".." Then
                    If FileExists($Drives[$i] & $DAS & $S & $Next_DAS & $LS_Temp) Then; If there are any temp files
                        If $Verbose Then MsgBox(1, "DAS", "Cleaning " & $Drives[$i] & $DAS & $S & $Next_DAS & $LS_Temp)
                        Zap_FOLDER($Drives[$i] & $DAS & $S & $Next_DAS & $LS_Temp)
                    If FileExists($Drives[$i] & $DAS & $S & $Next_DAS & $LS_TIF) Then; If there is any IE files
                        If $Verbose Then MsgBox(1, "DAS", "Cleaning " & $Drives[$i] & $DAS & $S & $Next_DAS & $LS_TIF)
                        Zap_FOLDER($Drives[$i] & $DAS & $S & $Next_DAS & $LS_TIF)
            FileClose($FFF_DAS); Tidyup and close search

; Exit
MsgBox(1, "Operation complete", "Cleanup complete!")

; ==== FUNCTIONS =============================================================
Func Zap_FOLDER($Var1); ......................................................
; $Var1 = Folder who's content will be flushed
    FileSetAttrib($Var1 & $All, "-RASHNOT", 1); Remove all attributes
    FileDelete($Var1 & $All); Start by erasing all files
; Let's make this simple - whatever is left is probably a folder
    $Var2 = FileFindFirstFile($Var1 & $All); Start off search
    If $Var2 = -1 Then; It's an empty folder ...
        FileClose($Var2); Tidyup and close search
        Return; No more files
; Ok then delete all folders ...
    While 1
        $Var3 = FileFindNextFile($Var2); Find first folder
        If @error Then ExitLoop; We passed last folder
        If $Var3 <> "." And $Var3 <> ".." Then
            DirRemove($Var1 & "\" & $Var3, 1); And now erase that folder
    WEnd; Until such a time as all folders are deleted
    FileClose($Var2); Tidyup and close search
EndFunc  ;==>Zap_FOLDER

Func Verif_PROG(); ..........................................................
    $g_szVersion = "MiniCleaner"; Name this program
    If WinExists($g_szVersion) Then Exit; Already there!
EndFunc  ;==>Verif_PROG

Func Find_DRIVES(); .........................................................
    $Drives = DriveGetDrive( "FIXED"); Get all hard drives
    If Not @error Then
        Return $Drives[0]; Returns the # of drives found
        MsgBox(16, "Error", "No harddrives available!"); Whoops?
EndFunc  ;==>Find_DRIVES

I am endeavoring, ma'am, to construct a mnemonic circuit using stone knives and bearskins.SpockMy UDFs:Deleted - they were old and I'm lazy ... :)My utilities:Comment stripperPolicy lister 1.07AutoIT Speed Tester (new!)

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Well it's really sad no one found this useful ...

I've discovered that the FileDelete function has an annoying limitation. It will quit as soon as it has any problem (locked file, readonly, etc. etc. etc.) and I didn't find any way of forcing it to delete.

It might cause the program to miss a large number of files, specially if the problem file is found early by FileDelete.

As seen in the program, I've taken the liberty to remove all attributes before deleting, which does help.

I'll implement a "garbage collection" routine that checks on the FileDelete function and if files are left will try to delete files individually. I think this will preserve speed as much as possible - I think deleting files individually must be much slower than deleting them with FileDelete("*.*")

If anyone replies I'd be happy to post the result of my work.

Obi Wan Celeri

I am endeavoring, ma'am, to construct a mnemonic circuit using stone knives and bearskins.SpockMy UDFs:Deleted - they were old and I'm lazy ... :)My utilities:Comment stripperPolicy lister 1.07AutoIT Speed Tester (new!)

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I am going to give this a try because i remove spyware and viruses alot for my job... i was just wondering though....have you ever tried "EzPCFix" for bartpe?.... removes temp files/history/cookies/restore points...you can also load the registry hives and have more options to do (i dont use them so i cant go into detail)...but ezpcfix is a great tool


Andrew Calcutt



Its not an error, its a undocumented feature

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FileSetAttrib($Var1 & $All, "-RASHNOT", 1); Remove all attributes

Oh come on. Why doesn't it say "-NOTRASH"?! :dance:

On quick glance, I'm wondering why not use @TempDir and stuff?

Good code though, especially for those who don't STORE stuff in C:\temp as I've seen happen :whistle:

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you could right an autoit program for that  :dance: ...lol


I might :whistle: ... BTW did you try http://www.ccleaner.com/? It's as complete as you are going to get for a clean-all solution (athough it only does the current user, which is why I came out with my program). It's probably also not very good from within BartPE (bootable Windows XP CD) while my program is best in that regard

BTW, I have a "final" version if anyone is interested. I say final but we all know there's always something to add somehwere :dance:

As far as EzPCFix is concerned I'll check it out (there is a lot of great software out there!!!) but I'm willing to bet my version is faster ehehehehe (well maybe not but it's nice to brag anyways eheheh).

Obi Wan Celeri

P.S.: I might add a function to auto-clean at startup. Do you think it would be a good idea?

I am endeavoring, ma'am, to construct a mnemonic circuit using stone knives and bearskins.SpockMy UDFs:Deleted - they were old and I'm lazy ... :)My utilities:Comment stripperPolicy lister 1.07AutoIT Speed Tester (new!)

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Oh come on. Why doesn't it say "-NOTRASH"?! :dance:

On quick glance, I'm wondering why not use @TempDir and stuff?

Good code though, especially for those who don't STORE stuff in C:\temp as I've seen happen :whistle:


"-NOTRASH" .... ahhahahahahahah I'll try and see if it works and if it does I'll keep it and suggest it as the default value to the AutoIT team ahahahaha.... good one ahahahaah

"why not use @TempDir". The reason is quite simple. My program doesn't care where a user puts his temp files really, it cleans up all places where you usually find temp files (hopefully no personnal files ehehehe) and cleans them up arbitrarily. It is, after all, a program to clean up all users, so if the user running the programs uses another drive / folder than other users, there might be temp files left lying around ... mind you I could go bonkers and start searching all over the place for "\Temp" or "\Tmp" but it would slow down the process significantly.

Sorry for the long-winded response :dance:

I am endeavoring, ma'am, to construct a mnemonic circuit using stone knives and bearskins.SpockMy UDFs:Deleted - they were old and I'm lazy ... :)My utilities:Comment stripperPolicy lister 1.07AutoIT Speed Tester (new!)

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Ok what the heck, here's my latest (and perhaps final?) source code ...

Made BTW with plain AutoIT 3.11 :( (could never get those bloody betas to install properly with SCITE ... must be blind :dance: or dumb ehehehe

What's new compared to the previous version?

- Checks for /S on command line and works silently (great to run at startup)

- Shows a window (in verbose mode) where all folders and files deleted are shown (a one-liner to increase speed)

- Credits and stuff

- Keep on deleting files even when FileDelete hits a locked file and quits :D (forgot that one on my initial post - curious since I'm pretty happy about that solution)

I hope I didn't forget anything, I've produced two versions, one in french and one in english (included). Both tested - they should work as advertised :D

If you find anything (good or bad) please tell me I'll gladly fix it :dance:

BTW next version will mention this program has been done in AUTOIT3 :whistle: ...

Edited by Celeri

I am endeavoring, ma'am, to construct a mnemonic circuit using stone knives and bearskins.SpockMy UDFs:Deleted - they were old and I'm lazy ... :)My utilities:Comment stripperPolicy lister 1.07AutoIT Speed Tester (new!)

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i could not get that script to work...or does it not show any alerts....


That's weird ...

Please note there's a way to run the script silently so maybe... it's stuck in silent mode?

i.e.: MiniCleaner.exe /s

Let me check and I'll come back to you on that :whistle:

(this really sucks since I put a lot of work into debugging the damn thing before posting it here!)

I am endeavoring, ma'am, to construct a mnemonic circuit using stone knives and bearskins.SpockMy UDFs:Deleted - they were old and I'm lazy ... :)My utilities:Comment stripperPolicy lister 1.07AutoIT Speed Tester (new!)

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I like your code... it shows me areas that i missed in mine

I was not that impressed with EzPCFix... this is the temp screen


Here is mine


You went for cleaning all users... I went for (safety) restore point, adware, spyware, cleaning temps, cleaning registry, and then defrag... later it had a disappearing top menu bar... and now it has top menu bar "skins"...


Well it was fun... yours has great ideas too!


PS the actual web site is below


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still no luck  :whistle: ....

I still havent been able to get it to work...i am pretty sure i am not running it in silent mode...just trying to run the au3 or comiled au3...no switch after it


This is really curious ...

Would you mind me sending you a compiled binary to see if the problem persists?

If the compiled version works then we know the problem happens either during compilation or while running. The first one would indicate a version problem and the second one could be caused by an anti-virus program.

Mind you this could also be completely my fault - it's happened before :dance:

BTW if you use SCITE, can you run the script properly? :dance:

P.S.: Tried it at a few places and no problems... could it be localisation or something?

Edited by Celeri

I am endeavoring, ma'am, to construct a mnemonic circuit using stone knives and bearskins.SpockMy UDFs:Deleted - they were old and I'm lazy ... :)My utilities:Comment stripperPolicy lister 1.07AutoIT Speed Tester (new!)

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I like your code... it shows me areas that i missed in mine

I was not that impressed with EzPCFix... this is the temp screen


Here is mine


You went for cleaning all users... I went for (safety) restore point, adware, spyware, cleaning temps, cleaning registry, and then defrag... later it had a disappearing top menu bar... and now it has top menu bar "skins"...


Well it was fun... yours has great ideas too!


PS  the actual web site is below


Your program is very interesting but yes, it really is different :dance:

It looks more like an all-in-one optimising tool.

My program only tackles one aspect - cleaning up the bulk of the crap that accumulates on a computer.

Strangely BTW, I could not compile your code, (the one refered from the link) it kept on throwing errors at me :whistle:

Weird since the code looks OK. But your program is rather big so I haven't had a chance to really read alot of it.

If there's anything I will tackle in the future is making a multi-language version that automatically switches, depending on the OS's language. Not an easy feat since it often leads to ugly interfaces!!! I've done it before and it's a real pain but the end result is very satisfying :dance:

Translation would be simple since the languages would be handled by an .INI file. And the program auto-creates the .INI file if it doesn't exist ...

I am endeavoring, ma'am, to construct a mnemonic circuit using stone knives and bearskins.SpockMy UDFs:Deleted - they were old and I'm lazy ... :)My utilities:Comment stripperPolicy lister 1.07AutoIT Speed Tester (new!)

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Your program is very interesting but yes, it really is different :dance:

It looks more like an all-in-one optimising tool.

My program only tackles one aspect - cleaning up the bulk of the crap that accumulates on a computer.

Strangely BTW, I could not compile your code, (the one refered from the link) it kept on throwing errors at me :whistle:

Weird since the code looks OK. But your program is rather big so I haven't had a chance to really read alot of it.

If there's anything I will tackle in the future is making a multi-language version that automatically switches, depending on the OS's language. Not an easy feat since it often leads to ugly interfaces!!! I've done it before and it's a real pain but the end result is very satisfying :dance:

Translation would be simple since the languages would be handled by an .INI file. And the program auto-creates the .INI file if it doesn't exist ...


I'm really not sure why it can't be compilled.. but as for the languages, maybe you should take a look at this


hope it helps



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I'm really not sure why it can't be compilled.. but as for the languages, maybe you should take a look at this


hope it helps



That's amusing :dance:

PowerTranslate uses a similar technique to mine ... except I've used 3D arrays ...

As per example ...

Dim $Message[100][2]
$Lang = 1; 1 = English, 51 = French, etc. etc. 
$Message = Load_Messages("Messages.lng")
etc. etc.

But the whole process is really unbearable. It simply doubles all the work and I really, really hate it :whistle:

The beautiful part however is that you can change languages on the fly. Just need to change the offset and redraw the GUI and there :dance:

I am endeavoring, ma'am, to construct a mnemonic circuit using stone knives and bearskins.SpockMy UDFs:Deleted - they were old and I'm lazy ... :)My utilities:Comment stripperPolicy lister 1.07AutoIT Speed Tester (new!)

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I dont think i need this, I use my cleaner.bat :whistle:

I think this is more simple.

@echo off
title Cleaner fuer Internet PCs
rem ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

rem Name: Cleaner.bat

rem Autor: Christoph Krogmann

rem Co Autor: Torsten Hill

rem Datum: 9. November 2004

rem ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
color 1f
echo %date%
echo %Time% Internetspuren werden beseitigt...
del index.dat /s /f /q
del "%TEMP%\*.*" /s /f /q /a:h
del "%TMP%\*.*" /s /f /q /a:h
del "%UserProfile%\Lokale Einstellungen\Temporary Internet Files\*.*" /s /f /q /a:h
del "%UserProfile%\Lokale Einstellungen\Verlauf\*.*" /s /f /q /a:h
del "%UserProfile%\Cookies\*.*" /s /f /q /a:h
del "%SystemRoot%\Temp\*.*" /s /f /q /a:h
echo %Time%
echo Alle Spuren bis auf die angezeigten probleme wurden beseitigt. Um die problem   Dateien zu entfernen, starten sie den Computer im abgesicherten Modus und     fuehren sie dieses Programm erneut aus. Es wird empfohlen, dieses Programm im   abgesicherten Modus auszufuehren, da nur dann alle Dateien beseitigt werden   koennen.

Sorry for german text, I think you know what it is doing. :dance:

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