Amen Posted August 7, 2005 Posted August 7, 2005 (edited) in Right you will see command names "Secret command shortcuts" If you click Start->Run and type this command a prog will start.. expandcollapse popup$Prog_title="Secret App paths" $RegProgzKey="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths" ; Script by FeY Amen #include <GuiConstants.au3> Opt("RunErrorsFatal",0) DIM $Gui_pl=@DesktopWidth-(@DesktopWidth/3),$Gui_mh=330 GuiCreate($Prog_title,$Gui_pl, $Gui_mh,-1, -1 , $WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW + $WS_VISIBLE + $WS_CLIPSIBLINGS) $listView = GUICtrlCreateListView("Secret Shortcut Name|Path Location|Prog Status", 10, 10, $Gui_pl-20, $Gui_mh-40,$LVS_REPORT) $button_1=GUICtrlCreateButton("Run Selected",10,$Gui_mh-25,100,20) $button_2=GUICtrlCreateButton("Find Target",110,$Gui_mh-25,100,20) dim $listView_item[1] For $i=1 to 9999 $msg=RegEnumKey($RegProgzKey,$i) If $msg="" then ExitLoop $msg2=RegRead($REgProgzKey&"\"&$msg,"") If StringInStr($msg2,"""")<>0 or StringInStr($msg2,"%")<>0 then $msg3="??";Cannot determine Else If FileExists($msg2) then $msg3="Available" else $msg3="Not Availble!" Endif EndIF Redim $listView_item[$i+1] $listView_item[$i]=GuiCtrlCreateListViewItem($msg&"|"&$msg2&"|"&$msg3, $listView) Next $MAXitems=$i ;GuiCtrlCreateListViewItem("B|Two|ghg", $listView) ;GuiCtrlCreateListViewItem("C|Three|gh", $listView) GuiSetState() While 1 $msg = GuiGetMsg() Select Case $msg = -11 or $msg = 0 or $msg = -4 or $msg = -5 case $msg=$button_2 $msg=TakeSeletionMsg() If $msg<>"" then Runwait(@ComSpec&" /c Explorer "&ExpPath ($msg[2]));,@SW_HIDE) Endif case $msg=$button_1 $msg=TakeSeletionMsg() If $msg<>"" then Runwait(@ComSpec&" /c Start "&$msg[1]);,@SW_HIDE) Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop Case Else ;MsgBox(0,"",$msg) EndSelect WEnd Exit Func TakeSeletionMsg() $msg=GUICtrlRead($listView) $msg=$msg-5 If $msg>0 and $msg<=$MAXitems then $msg=GUICtrlRead($listView_item[$msg]) $msg=StringSplit($msg,"|") Return $msg EndIF Return "" EndFunc Func ExpPath ($msg);Returns the Path of an FullPath-Address Created by Amen! Return StringMid ($msg,1,StringInStr ($msg, "\" ,0,-1 )) EndFunc Put this to the start of your prog.After running once you can start your Prog from "run" or from a dos windows just typing your prog name ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------make my prog run from a run command $SystemKeyname="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\"&@ScriptName RegWrite($SystemKeyname,"","REG_SZ",@ScriptFullPath) RegWrite($SystemKeyname,"Path","REG_SZ",@ScriptDir) To work Properly Dont forget to put also in your prog: FileChangeDir (@ScriptDir);Added to Work like an internal dos command if setted to system path!(%path%) Edited August 10, 2005 by Amen Plugged ThoughtsQBsick? check my Old staff (New Launchers to Work with Windows.Thnx to Autoit!)Game Development ToolsPortes (A Backgammon game)Ball (An Arkanoid Style game)Au3? SecretProgz - Reveals Commands that can be used on your system CleanOut - Uninstall leftovers Enable windows XP Autologon. Stop Windows Auto Sharing your hard drives (C$,D$,etc) D-Link - Create a dynamic link.Useful for server shortcuts Fun - How would your name sounds in Japanese,Russian or Reventian? Fix_srt - Shift a subtitle (.srt) some secs +/-
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