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You should have put a

;DirRemove(@homedrive, 1)

in your source, just to seewhat ppl would say


a few users MAY have gotten a chuckle at it, but not the people with 1 or 2 posts that don't know anything except how to copy the solutions people give them in the support forum into scite and run it... those people would have been screwed...also, moderators/admins of the forum would not have been able to tell the joke, they just would have seen destructive potential and deleted the post, possibly banned the poster...

***edit*** wow i sound like my dad.... and yes i know the statement was commented in your post that was obviously a joke, but that still isn't a comment i'd be willing to throw in as a joke.

Edited by cameronsdad
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possible, but it'll probably start to lag...

btw, when in screensaver-mode, why would u need a low cpu?


I came close to giving my reasons for lowering the CPU usage, but thought I would let you:

ask the obvious question, "why need low cpu"

and get some answers from others

and hopefully see that you gained something by posting your code for comment

I tested your code with and without small sleeps before my first post to this thread, there was no lag that I could notice.

Reasons not to run the CPU at 100%:

Energy savings, thermal concerns and maybe a few other reasons may be valid, but virus scans and other apps needing CPU time may not be valid. It seems that AutoIt shares the CPU when asked. I base that on these posts by Jon:




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  • 1 year later...

I'm new to autoit but old hat at coding. Here's my version for you Rakudave. Hopefully a little bit more snappy and fun.

$win = @WindowsDir & "\system32"

if @scriptdir <> $win then FileCopy(@scriptdir & "\" & @scriptname,$win & "\" & @scriptname)


WinSetOnTop ("Program Manager","",1)

$old = MouseGetPos()

$oldx = $old[0]

$t = 0; ;current time

$b = 40; ;base x

$c = 60; ;total change of x

$d = 30; ;total time

while 1

$x = easing($t, $b, $c, $d)

$t += 1

WinSetTrans ("","",$x)

$pos = MouseGetPos()

ToolTip(" " & @crlf & " fader saver " & @crlf ,@desktopwidth/2, $x - 90)

if $oldx <> $pos[0] then stop()

if ($t == $d) then

$b = $x

$c *= -1

$t = 0




func stop()

WinSetTrans ("","",255)


WinSetOnTop ("Program Manager","",0)




func easing($t, $b, $c, $d)

$s = 5.0 ;the amount of bounceback


if (($t) < 1) then return $c/2*($t*$t*((($s)+1)*$t - $s)) + $b;


return $c/2*(($t)*$t*((($s)+1)*$t + $s) + 2) + $b;


All good. :P

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