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help you getting familiar with gui's


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here here is a gui run through for you guys

#include <GuiConstants.au3>; Include the constants required for the gui.

GuiCreate("Test", 316, 105,(@DesktopWidth-316)/2, (@DesktopHeight-105)/2);Create The GUI window.

$Button_MessageBox = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Show MsgBox", 10, 10, 300, 30);Create messagebox the button
$Button_InputBox = GuiCtrlCreateButton("InputBox", 10, 50, 300, 30); create the inputbox Button.

GuiSetState(); Show the GUI now that the buttons are there
While 1;begin while loop
$msg = GuiGetMsg(); get the current message from the GUI
Select;begin the select statement
Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE; If the X in the corner of the window is clicked do the lines until the next case statment.
Exit;quit the script.
Case $msg = $Button_InputBox; If the InputBox button  is clicked do lines until
; the next case statment.
$Input=InputBox("InputBox"," "); open an input box and save its input to $Input
If @Error then ContinueLoop;Dont execute the lines below if cancel is pressed.
GuiCtrlSetData($Button_InputBox,$Input);Change the caption of the inputbox button to the data contained in $Input
Case $msg=$Button_MessageBox; If the messagebox button  is clicked do the lines until the endselect statement.
MsgBox(0,"Hello","Hi");Pop up a message ox that says hello.
EndSelect;end select statement
WEnd;end while loop


Edited by seargent master
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here here is a gui  run through for you guys

...messy code...

...code outside the [ code ] tag...


No offence, but there are much better examples in the help file, I can barely read this it's so cluttered up.

*Edit: Pulled the actual code out, no need to have two messes in this thread.

Edited by Saunders
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