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Base64 converter (files and strings) can be modified easily.


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Hi. I know there are fantastic converters out there that run machine code etc but you cannot really modify those at the drop of a hat. I made my converter as a challenge to myself with the hope of using it to perhaps make serial key protection systems for possible future scripts. The benefit of my script is it is very easy to understand what is going on and make modifications to it if you want to use it for weird purposes. This is about the 5th version of my converter, I had so much failure that this last version is so much cleaner and faster than any of the old ones I came up with.

It deals with files and strings. Strings can be taken in either ANSI or UTF-8 during both encode and decode (same must be used for both, obviously). UTF is a good over all for anything but if you know you don't need such exotic characters greater than single byte standard ones you can set it to ANSI (default is ansi already)

I am attaching both my main program I am using for encoding and decoding AND the UDF I have made.

Here are some usage examples:

Encode a string

ConsoleWrite( B64Encode('Hello World') & @CRLF )

Encode a UTF-8 string:

ConsoleWrite( B64Encode('British people do not use the € (euro)', 1) & @CRLF )

Decode a string:

$EncodedData = 'SSB0b3RhbGx5IGxvdmUgYXV0b2l0IGd1eXMuLi4='
ConsoleWrite( B64Decode($EncodedData) & @CRLF)

Decode a UTF-8 string:

$EncodedData = '4pagVEhF4oaVQkxPQ0vilqA='
ConsoleWrite( B64Decode($EncodedData, 1) & @CRLF)

Encode a file:

$FileEncoded = B64Encode(@DesktopDir & 'Test2.txt', 0, 64, 1)
; 0 for ANSI but is irrelevent because its a file and thus is ignored.
; 64 for the line length and 1 meaning its a file we are processing.
FileWrite(@DesktopDir & 'Encoded.txt', $FileEncoded)

Decode a file:

$FileDecoded = B64Decode(@DesktopDir & 'Encoded.txt', 0, 1)
; 0 for ANSI but is irrelevent because its a file and thus is ignored.
; 1 meaning its a file we are processing.
$FileSave = FileOpen(@DesktopDir & 'Decoded.txt', 18)
; 18 for overwrite old file and FORCE BINARY MODE (decoded FILE data is raw binary for the file with no en/decoding required..
FileWrite($FileSave, $FileDecoded)

I am interested in seeing what you think about this. At least the code I have made can be edited and tweaked relatively easily compared to other UDF's for this I have seen out there. I also welcome any feedback on the techniques I am using.

Here is the UDF so you can see it in the forum instead of having to download it:

Local $__b64___B64_list[64]
; #FUNCTION# ====================================================================================================================
; Name ..........: B64Decode
; Description ...: Decodes the provided base64 input. It strips @CR and @LF on its own.
; Syntax ........: B64Decode([$__b64_input = ''[, $__b64_mode = 0[, $__b64_isfile = 0]]])
; Parameters ....: $__b64_input - [optional] Base64 data or path and name of file needing to be decoded. Leaving blank shows syntax messagebox.
; $__b64_mode - [optional] 1 = decoded data will be UTF-8 while 0 = decoded data will be ANSI. Default is 0. (not used for files)
; $__b64_isfile - [optional] 0 = input is a string of information. 1 = path and file name to file to be decoded. Default is 0.
; Return values .: Data decoded from base64 to the encoding given from the $__b64_mode variable. Decoded FILE data can be used or written to a file with the forced binary encoding...
; Author ........: Wesley G aka Morthawt
; Modified ......:
; Remarks .......: Decoded FILE data is in raw binary and should be written to a file with forced binary mode. No special encoding or decoding needed
; Related .......:
; Link ..........:
; Example .......: No
; ===============================================================================================================================
Func B64Decode($__b64_input = '', $__b64_mode = 0, $__b64_isfile = 0)
If $__b64_input = '' Then MsgBox(0, 'Hint', 'B64Decode($InputData, 0 = ANSI 1 = is UTF-8, 1 = is a file (filename)')
If $__b64_mode = 0 Then
$__b64_mode = 1
$__b64_mode = 4
Local $__b64_TheBitStream, $__b64_4_SixBitChunks, $__b64_FinalOutput, $__b64_tempvalue
If $__b64_isfile Then
$__b64_openfile = FileOpen($__b64_input, 0)
$__b64_input = FileRead($__b64_openfile)
$__b64_input = StringReplace($__b64_input, '=', '')
$__b64_input = StringReplace($__b64_input, @CR, '')
$__b64_input = StringReplace($__b64_input, @LF, '')
$__b64_input = StringStripWS($__b64_input, 8)
For $__b64_a = 1 To StringLen($__b64_input)
$__b64_case = 'N'
If StringIsUpper(StringMid($__b64_input, $__b64_a, 1)) Then $__b64_case = 'U'
$__b64_TheBitStream &= __init_b64_SixBitBinary(Eval($__b64_case & StringMid($__b64_input, $__b64_a, 1)))
For $__b64_a = 1 To (Floor(StringLen($__b64_TheBitStream) / 8) * 8) Step 8
$__b64_tempvalue &= Hex(String(__init_b64_FromEightBitBinary(StringMid($__b64_TheBitStream, $__b64_a, 8))), 2)
If Not $__b64_isfile Then
$__b64_FinalOutput = BinaryToString('0x' & $__b64_tempvalue, $__b64_mode)
$__b64_FinalOutput = '0x' & $__b64_tempvalue
Return $__b64_FinalOutput
EndFunc ;==>B64Decode

; #FUNCTION# ====================================================================================================================
; Name ..........: B64Encode
; Description ...: Encodes the provided input to Base64.
; Syntax ........: B64Encode([$__b64_input = ''[, $__b64_mode = 0[, $__b64_linebreak = 0[, $__b64_isfile = 0]]]])
; Parameters ....: $__b64_input - [optional] Data or file path and name of a file needing to be encoded to base64. Leaving blank shows syntax messagebox.
; $__b64_mode [optional] 1 = decoded data will be UTF-8 while 0 = decoded data will be ANSI. Default is 0. (not used for files)
; $__b64_linebreak - [optional] Number of base64 characters per line. This should be between 0 and 76 to be standards complient.
; $__b64_isfile - [optional] 0 = input is a string of information. 1 = path and file name to file to be decoded. Default is 0.
; Return values .: Base64 encoded data from the input in the encoding dictated by $__b64_mode. Encoded file data can be used or written to a file.
; Author ........: Wesley G aka Morthawt
; Modified ......:
; Remarks .......:
; Related .......:
; Link ..........:
; Example .......: No
; ===============================================================================================================================
Func B64Encode($__b64_input = '', $__b64_mode = 0, $__b64_linebreak = 0, $__b64_isfile = 0)
If $__b64_input = '' Then MsgBox(0, 'Hint', 'B64Encode($InputData, 0 = ANSI 1 = is UTF-8, 0-76 Linebreak, 1 = is a file (filename)')
If $__b64_linebreak > 76 Then
MsgBox(0, 'Error', 'Base64 encode linebreak cannot exceed 76 characters.')
If $__b64_mode = 0 Then
$__b64_mode = 1
$__b64_mode = 4
Local $__b64_TheBitStream, $__b64_4_SixBitChunks, $__b64_FinalOutput, $__b64_tempvalue, $__b64_FinalOutput2
If Not $__b64_isfile Then
$__b64_o_UTF_8 = StringTrimLeft(StringToBinary($__b64_input, $__b64_mode), 2)
$__b64_openfile = FileOpen($__b64_input, 16)
$__b64_o_UTF_8 = StringTrimLeft(FileRead($__b64_openfile), 2)
For $__b64_a = 1 To StringLen($__b64_o_UTF_8) Step 2
$__b64_TheBitStream &= __init_b64_EightBitBinary('0x' & StringMid($__b64_o_UTF_8, $__b64_a, 2))
For $__b64_a = 1 To StringLen($__b64_TheBitStream) Step +6
$__b64_Number = __init_b64_FromSixBitBinary(StringMid($__b64_TheBitStream, $__b64_a, 6))
$__b64_FinalOutput &= $__b64___B64_list[$__b64_Number]
While Floor(StringLen($__b64_FinalOutput) / 4) <> (StringLen($__b64_FinalOutput) / 4)
$__b64_FinalOutput &= '='
If $__b64_linebreak > 0 Then
For $__b64_a = 1 To StringLen($__b64_FinalOutput) Step $__b64_linebreak
$__b64_FinalOutput2 &= StringMid($__b64_FinalOutput, $__b64_a, $__b64_linebreak)
If $__b64_linebreak > 0 Then
If StringLen(StringMid($__b64_FinalOutput, $__b64_a, $__b64_linebreak)) = $__b64_linebreak And $__b64_a <= (StringLen($__b64_FinalOutput) - $__b64_linebreak) Then $__b64_FinalOutput2 &= @CRLF
$__b64_FinalOutput2 = $__b64_FinalOutput
Return $__b64_FinalOutput2
EndFunc ;==>B64Encode

; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# ===========================================================================================================
; Name ..........: __init_b64_dictionary
; Description ...: Used to initialize the base64 dictionary used in conversions
; Syntax ........: __init_b64_dictionary()
; Parameters ....: None
; Return values .: None
; Author ........: Wesley G aka Morthawt
; Modified ......:
; Remarks .......: Creates an array with base64 dictionary. Also creates variables with direct names for easy and quick access while decoding letters to numbers.
; Related .......:
; Link ..........:
; Example .......: No
; ===============================================================================================================================
Func __init_b64_dictionary()
Global $__b64___B64_list[64]
For $__b64_a = 0 To 63
Case $__b64_a < 26
$__b64___B64_list[$__b64_a] = ChrW(65 + $__b64_a)
Assign('U' & ChrW(65 + $__b64_a), $__b64_a, 2)
Case $__b64_a < 52
$__b64___B64_list[$__b64_a] = ChrW(71 + $__b64_a)
Assign('N' & ChrW(71 + $__b64_a), $__b64_a, 2)
Case $__b64_a < 62
$__b64___B64_list[$__b64_a] = ChrW($__b64_a - 4)
Assign('N' & ChrW($__b64_a - 4), $__b64_a, 2)
Case $__b64_a = 62
$__b64___B64_list[$__b64_a] = ChrW(43)
Assign('N' & ChrW(43), $__b64_a, 2)
Case $__b64_a = 63
$__b64___B64_list[$__b64_a] = ChrW(47)
Assign('N' & ChrW(47), $__b64_a, 2)
EndFunc ;==>__init_b64_dictionary

; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# ===========================================================================================================
; Name ..........: __init_b64_EightBitBinary
; Description ...: Outputs an 8-bit binary string from an input integer between 0 and 255
; Syntax ........: __init_b64_EightBitBinary([$__b64_input = 0])
; Parameters ....: $__b64_input - [optional] Integer between 0 and 255 Default is 0.
; Return values .: 8-bit binary string representing the input integer
; Author ........: Wesley G aka Morthawt
; Modified ......:
; Remarks .......: An 8-bit binary string looks like 10101010
; Related .......:
; Link ..........:
; Example .......: No
; ===============================================================================================================================
Func __init_b64_EightBitBinary($__b64_input = 0)
If $__b64_input < 256 Then
$__b64_tmpbitstream = ''
$__b64_start = 128
While $__b64_start >= 1
If Floor($__b64_input / $__b64_start) Then
$__b64_tmpbitstream &= 1
$__b64_input -= ($__b64_start * Floor($__b64_input / $__b64_start))
$__b64_tmpbitstream &= 0
$__b64_start /= 2
$__b64_tmpbitstream = 0
Return $__b64_tmpbitstream
EndFunc ;==>__init_b64_EightBitBinary

; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# ===========================================================================================================
; Name ..........: __init_b64_SixBitBinary
; Description ...: Outputs a 6-bit binary string from an input integer between 0 and 63
; Syntax ........: __init_b64_SixBitBinary([$__b64_input = 0])
; Parameters ....: $__b64_input - [optional] An integer between 0 and 63. Default is 0.
; Return values .: A 6-bit binary string representing the input integer
; Author ........: Wesley G aka Morthawt
; Modified ......:
; Remarks .......: A 6-bit binary string looke like 101010
; Related .......:
; Link ..........:
; Example .......: No
; ===============================================================================================================================
Func __init_b64_SixBitBinary($__b64_input = 0)
If $__b64_input < 64 Then
$__b64_tmpbitstream = ''
$__b64_start = 32
While $__b64_start >= 1
If Floor($__b64_input / $__b64_start) Then
$__b64_tmpbitstream &= 1
$__b64_input -= ($__b64_start * Floor($__b64_input / $__b64_start))
$__b64_tmpbitstream &= 0
$__b64_start /= 2
$__b64_tmpbitstream = 0
Return $__b64_tmpbitstream
EndFunc ;==>__init_b64_SixBitBinary

; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# ===========================================================================================================
; Name ..........: __init_b64_FromSixBitBinary
; Description ...: Outputs an integer between 0 and 63 based on a 6-bit binary input.
; Syntax ........: __init_b64_FromSixBitBinary([$__b64_input = 0])
; Parameters ....: $__b64_input - [optional] 6-bit binary input. Default is 0.
; Return values .: Integer between 0 and 63
; Author ........: Wesley G aka Morthawt
; Modified ......:
; Remarks .......: A 6-bit binary string looke like 101010
; Related .......:
; Link ..........:
; Example .......: No
; ===============================================================================================================================
Func __init_b64_FromSixBitBinary($__b64_input = 0)
$__b64_base = 32
$__b64_tempvalue = 0
For $__b64_a = 1 To 6
If StringMid($__b64_input, $__b64_a, 1) = 1 Then
$__b64_tempvalue += $__b64_base
$__b64_base /= 2
Return $__b64_tempvalue
EndFunc ;==>__init_b64_FromSixBitBinary

; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# ===========================================================================================================
; Name ..........: __init_b64_FromEightBitBinary
; Description ...: Outputs an integer between 0 and 255 from an 8-bit binary input.
; Syntax ........: __init_b64_FromEightBitBinary([$__b64_input = 0])
; Parameters ....: $__b64_input - [optional] An 8-bit binary string. Default is 0
; Return values .: Integer between 0 and 255
; Author ........: Wesley G aka Morthawt
; Modified ......:
; Remarks .......: An 8-bit binary string looks like 10101010
; Related .......:
; Link ..........:
; Example .......: No
; ===============================================================================================================================
Func __init_b64_FromEightBitBinary($__b64_input = 0)
$__b64_base = 128
$__b64_tempvalue = 0
For $__b64_a = 1 To 8
If StringMid($__b64_input, $__b64_a, 1) = 1 Then
$__b64_tempvalue += $__b64_base
$__b64_base /= 2
Return $__b64_tempvalue
EndFunc ;==>__init_b64_FromEightBitBinary

Edit 01:

Updated to also strip white space before decoding. Because I tried to decode someone's test on a "How base64 works" website and there were spaces at the end of each line of encoded base64. Once I decoded it, there was only a few words of the original text instead of the whole paragraph. Stripping all white space from the encoded information prior to attempting to decode prevents this issue.

Base64 Perfect! FINAL!+15.au3


Edited by Morthawt
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Anyone have any valid feedback on my coding techniques on this? I don't work with windows API stuff or DLL's so for me, this is about the best I can do which makes it easy to tweak in case of weird applications where someone might want to modify it to generate different/altered output etc. I find some UDF's out there are doing just weird things I do not understand. I think I am using more of a medium level complexity on my scripts which "should" make it easier to be modified by people who like myself do not get into the super high level of autoit ability.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 5 years later...


I have some problems using this GUI.
I can encode from an image file to base64. Everything's fine. But when I decode the data is not the same. The picture was no longer visible.


This image


encode to Base64 OKE.!

But i can't decode to image.

Edited by Melba23
Removed CAPTCHA image and code
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See my reply to your other post.


Public_Domain.png.2d871819fcb9957cf44f4514551a2935.png Any of my own code posted anywhere on the forum is available for use by others without any restriction of any kind

Open spoiler to see my UDFs:


ArrayMultiColSort ---- Sort arrays on multiple columns
ChooseFileFolder ---- Single and multiple selections from specified path treeview listing
Date_Time_Convert -- Easily convert date/time formats, including the language used
ExtMsgBox --------- A highly customisable replacement for MsgBox
GUIExtender -------- Extend and retract multiple sections within a GUI
GUIFrame ---------- Subdivide GUIs into many adjustable frames
GUIListViewEx ------- Insert, delete, move, drag, sort, edit and colour ListView items
GUITreeViewEx ------ Check/clear parent and child checkboxes in a TreeView
Marquee ----------- Scrolling tickertape GUIs
NoFocusLines ------- Remove the dotted focus lines from buttons, sliders, radios and checkboxes
Notify ------------- Small notifications on the edge of the display
Scrollbars ----------Automatically sized scrollbars with a single command
StringSize ---------- Automatically size controls to fit text
Toast -------------- Small GUIs which pop out of the notification area


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