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traymenu response experimenting

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#Include <Constants.au3>
Opt("TrayAutoPause", 0)

$aboutitem  = TrayCreateItem("&About")
$exititem   = TrayCreateItem("Abort / E&xit")


While 1
    $msg = TrayGetMsg()
        Case $msg = 0
        Case $msg = $aboutitem
            Msgbox(64,"About:","pron is da shizzle v 0.5")
        Case $msg = $exititem
TrayTip("AIU", "Starting Download...", 5, 1)
$size = InetGetSize('ftp://ftp.pron.com/boobies.exe')
InetGet("ftp://ftp.pron.com/boobies.exe", "test.txt", 0, 1)
While @InetGetActive = 1
TrayTip("clears any tray tip","",0)
TrayTip("Automatic pron downloader", "Downloading... " & Int(@InetGetBytesRead / $size * 100) & "%", 5, 1)
TrayTip("AIU", "Download Complete.", 5, 1)
TrayTip("clears traytip","",0)
TrayTip("AIU", "Applying update.", 5, 1)
TrayTip("clears traytip","",0)
TrayTip("AIU", "Update Complete!", 5, 1)


I'm not sure how to make the menu respond while the download is occuring. Could somebody please point out my stupidity? Thanks!

This signature is computer generated, nothing can go wron#nothing can go wron#nothing can go wron#nothing can go wron#nothing can go wron#nothing can go wron#nothing can go wron#nothing can go wron#nothing can go wron#nothing can go wron#nothing can go wron#.......

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I'm not sure what you are trying to do .... But bear in mind that the download starts only if you choose $exitItem.... Otherwise it will be in the loop until ExitLoop.... And if you press the Exit again then the download will restart....Specify what you are trying to do and we'll try to help you....

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I'm trying to make the menu respond during the entire time so you can abort the download or rest of the steps at any time by choosing abort. The way it works now is it downloads and quits but the menu doesn't respond.

This signature is computer generated, nothing can go wron#nothing can go wron#nothing can go wron#nothing can go wron#nothing can go wron#nothing can go wron#nothing can go wron#nothing can go wron#nothing can go wron#nothing can go wron#nothing can go wron#.......

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When you are inside a loop e.g. While @InetGetActive (BTW = 1 is not needed) then the program is trapped inside the loop and TrayGetMsg() doesnt work until it exits the loop.... So you have to deal with the AdLib Function.... Read in the help file for AdLibEnable() and AdLibDisable()....

C ya

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