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ControlCommand to access Toolbarwin32 class in MS Journal

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I'm using AutoIt to try and make a little hotkey app to work with Windows Journal so I can quickly select different colors.

It seems I'm very close and yet very far to getting the desired result. I've used the AutoIt tool to determine that the CommandID of the toolbar and the ID of the colors.

Here is my code:

ControlCommand("[CLASS:JournalApp]","",113,"SendCommandID", 40178)

My problem is that the color will not be selected. It will be selected to the degree that the color will have the "selection" brackets around it, but the color that I draw with will still be the last color I've selected myself.

So I tried messing around and found that this


Will indeed select the color, but it will ONLY select the light blue color. I don't know why, but that is the color that is ALWAYS being selected. I mean even I have not found a way to combine the selecting ability of "SendCommandID" with the checking ability of "Check"

Also, it is a ToolbarWin32 Control.

Any help IS appreciated. Thanks


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