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Ip refresher

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i can't make a loop, if the ping fail it must redo the hole procces

#include <Process.au3>
#include <Inet.au3>
$rc = _RunDos("ipconfig/flushdns")
$rc = _RunDos("ipconfig/release")
$rc = _RunDos("ipconfig/renew")
$PublicIP = _GetIP()
$var = Ping("www.lycos.nl")
If $var Then
MsgBox(0, "Ip vernieuwer", "Ip Zoeken...", 2)
MsgBox(0, "IP Address", "Uw IP adres is: " & $PublicIP)
Here must come the loop other wise i dont know how to do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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#include <Process.au3>
#include <Inet.au3>
while 1
$rc = _RunDos("ipconfig/flushdns")
$rc = _RunDos("ipconfig/release")
$rc = _RunDos("ipconfig/renew")
$PublicIP = _GetIP()
$var = Ping("www.lycos.nl")
If $var Then
MsgBox(0, "Ip vernieuwer", "Ip Zoeken...", 2)
MsgBox(0, "IP Address", "Uw IP adres is: " & $PublicIP)
;do nothing restart

will this do?

Edited by beerman
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