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Log And Find Pixels

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Before I start to think of a good way to do this thought I would ask to see if anyone as done something simular.

Looking for 2 functions.

1) That will log the pixels of a given area. Like Call log(0,0,10,10,$file) This will log all the pixels in the 10x10 square starting at 0,0 and ending at 10,10.

2) Be able to find the logged pixels in a certain area or on the current screen. Also would be nice to have a percentage matching so it can be tweaked on a usage basis. Call findpixels(0,0,100,100,$file,75) Would search in a 100x100 square starting at 0,0 and ending at 100,100 for the precious log and match it to a 75% accuracy. Then given me back the x,y x,y cords for the area that matched.

Bueller? Anyone? or should I get coding now? or is something like this even feasable? Just thought about it last night with some webpage macros and possable photoshop macros. Think this would come in handy for me.

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but wouldn't it be possable to log pixels and then match them back up. Like find pixels colors 10 11 12 in that order on the screen and then see if 15 16 17 match under 10 11 12 in that order as well? I'm thinking it would be to resource intensive but thought I would ask anyways.

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Ok insanepyrokid,

I did my half how about yours? The logging is done now you work on the matching the log up to whats currently on the screen. :whistle:

Although I'm sure some of the code will be changed while making the matching part.

Func LogPix($startX, $startY, $endX, $endY, $pixLog)
For $countY = $startY To $endY
    For $countX = $startX To $endX
    $var = PixelGetColor( $countX, $countY )
    IniWrite($pixLog, "Y " & $countY, "X" & $countX, $var)
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Thats what I just thought about while seeing how long it took to just log a 100x100 square. Going to see if I can write it either to a string or an array. Thinking maybe a string and then try to match the string to another string, which would be the current screen.

Was thinking a log file at first so I could log and save the pixels I want to search for latter and not necesarly in just this one macro.

Lots of thinking and playing till I see what works best and would be easiest.

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Sorry, thats what happened to me last night. It popped in my head and I went to sleep with code on my head of how to do it. Had to force myself to go to sleep instead on turning the computer on. Now I'm at work and plenty of free time on my hands.

I'm still fairly new to AutoIT but do learn extremly fast from others examples.

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