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File write line # question


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You silly:

From the Help File:

FileWriteLine ( filehandle or "filename", "line")

Edit: Formatting issues


at first i thought you had a newer version of beta..... then maybe that was a trick statement.... but no

here is what i found

FileWriteLine ( filehandle or "filename", "line" )


filehandle The handle of a file, as returned by a previous call to FileOpen. Alternatively, you may use a string filename as the first parameter.

line The line of text to write to the text file. If the line does NOT end in @CR or @LF then a DOS linefeed (@CRLF) will be automatically added.

so this is text not an actual line number... silly



Edited by Valuater


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Dag-blammit! You're right. I am silly.

I just remembered using FileReadLine() in a previous script. What I had done was use FileReadLine() and then use StringReplace() to overwrite that line of text.

Sorry for being dumb. :whistle:

Edit: Dumb mistake

Edited by SerialKiller
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Dag-blammit! You're right. I am silly.

I just remembered using FileReadLine() in a previous script. What I had done was use FileReadLine() and then use StringReplace() to overwrite that line of text.

Sorry for being dumb.  :whistle:

Edit: Dumb mistake


are you saying you were able to replace the text in that line... in that text file??

or have any ideas how?



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are you saying you were able to replace the text in that line... in that text file??

or have any ideas how?



Yes. The script I wrote had to insert new information into a text file because the data was constantly being updated. So I knew what text I was looking for so I did a StringReplace() and changed that line of text.

If you only know certain keywords, then StringInStr() will work along with StringTrim...().

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Open the file.

Read the line of text (sticking it into a variable)

Do a string replace (variable) and replace it with whatever text you want.

Close the file.

I actually rarely use FileReadLine() since I rarely know what line the text might be on. I typically use $var = FileRead($thetextfileIamreading, FileGetSize($thetextfileIamreading)). And then I do a StringReplace() on $var so that it is sure to find it since I stuck the whole text file into the variable.

I hope this helps. If not, good luck to you because I am about to go home and take a nap. :whistle: After being both dumb and silly in one day, I need it.

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ok i will try again

; line #7 of text.txt = "my computer,fire fox, xpclean menu, developer"

$search = FileOpen("C:\text.txt", 0)
If $search = -1 Then
    MsgBox(0, "Error", "File not found")

$read = FileReadLine($search, 7)

$names = StringSplit($read, ",")

if $names[1] <> "" then $names[1] = "Your computer"

for $i = 1 to $names[0]
    MsgBox(0,"names", $names[$i])

; FileWriteLine(????????)


; i want line #7 to have this
; line #7 of text.txt = "your computer,fire fox, xpclean menu, developer"

can this be done.... how?????



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Okay, here is a quick script:

$file = "c:\text.txt"

$read = FileRead ($file, FileGetSize ($file))

$read = StringReplace($read, "my computer", "your computer")

FileOpen ($file, 2)

FileWrite ($file, $read)

FileClose ($file)

Hopefully this gets you on your way to whatever you are writing.

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@ Valuater

SerialKiller shows a good concept to use. Do note that AutoIt cannot replace a single line in a text file without re-writing the whole file back to disk. If it is a big file, then _FileReadToArray maybe a better choice?, as it reads and writes lines to a new file quicker then reading the whole file FileRead, replacing, then Filewriting it.

A 3rd party tool like Gsar can be used to search and replace in a text file. But that is external and adds 60+ kb to your program.


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