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Open a Link in the same tab (Firefox)


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I' am new to AutoIt and wrote a Script opening an Url by use of the

ShellExecute("firefox.exe", <Url>)

command. Using this command I noticed that every time a new tab is opened.

I saw that it is possible to assign some other optional parameters to the ShellExecute command. Does there exist any parameter to "say" my browser that I want the url opened in the same tab?

Or is this exclusively possible with  FF.au3 command _FFstart(...$iMode=2)? If not necessary I don't like to install the MozRepl addon, which is imperatively needed to make FF.au3 functions work.

I would be pleased for any advice.




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Try this in firefox:


browser.link.open_newwindow = 1

(1 = force new window into same tab)


browser.link.open_newwindow.restriction = 0

(0 = apply the setting to ALL new windows (even script windows))


then when you use ShellExecute("firefox.exe", <Url>), it should open your link in the same tab.

Edited by Neutro
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that would be a possible solution. Nevertheless it changes the behaviour of my FF browser at all. When browsing I would prefer my standard settings. But guess that means there is no other solution (...besides FF.au3) to change / influence the browser behavior...?.


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what is your ultimate intent, would killing the current tab and opening a new one serve the same purpose (Sending Ctrl+W and using the command line to open a new tab), or do you need to be able to navigate the previous pages?

,-. .--. ________ .-. .-. ,---. ,-. .-. .-. .-.
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`-' |_| (_) | |\/| | `-' /( (_)/( __.' |((_)-' /(_|
'-' '-' (__) (__) (_) (__)

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