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Send keys instantly


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I'd like to know if it's possible to make AutoIt send keys in block - that is, not by typing them one by one.

I've tried using ClipPut() / ClipGet() but I'm at my workplace (WinXPPro), and it doesn't work. I think it has to do with my account rights, because generally it does the trick on my home PC (WinXPPro).

Thanks in advance,

Guillermo ;)

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I'd like to know if it's possible to make AutoIt send keys in block - that is, not by typing them one by one.

I've tried using ClipPut() / ClipGet()  but I'm at my workplace (WinXPPro), and it doesn't work. I think it has to do with my account rights, because generally it does the trick on my home PC (WinXPPro).

Thanks in advance,

Guillermo  ;)


Read up on send in help file


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Suspense is worse than disappointment................Robert Burns
God help the man who won't help himself, because no-one else will...........My Grandmother

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Welcome to the forums!

Using ClipPut() will only place the desired information onto the clipboard -- it's your task to then paste that information into your desired program. Generally this command will do precisely that:


Hope that answers your question.

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"blocks of characters" *can* be sent via the send("^v") code that LxP gave you...

Let's say that the Windows clipboard contains this text:

This is just some text.

After running this line of code:

$var = ClipGet()

the variable named "var" will now contain the text

This is just some text.

After running this line of code:

ClipPut("This is just some DIFFERENT text.")

The Windows clipboard will contain this text:

This is just some DIFFERENT text.

Running this line of code:

Send ("^v")

AutoIt will send

This is just some DIFFERENT text.

to whatever application window is in focus at the time.

Also, take a look in the help file at SendKeyDelay


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