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is there a way to have multiple popups boxes


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hi i am creating a script that will set a reminder when a user inputs some data

he will put in a ref number in a box and then select the releveant check box

every check box has a diffrent reminder option so one mind bring up a pop up menu in 10 min while the other will be in 24 hours

i can do this fine for one input but can this be dont for multiple inputs

so i can have like 3 reminders running

my code is below its a bit messey i know

#include <GuiConstants.au3>

#include <Date.au3>


GuiCreate("suspension test", 400, 400)

GuiSetIcon(@SystemDir & "\mspaint.exe", 0)

; cref inputbox

GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Cref Please",40, 20, 40,40)

$Crefinput = GuiCtrlCreateInput( "",40, 60, 90, 20) ; cref read command

; all problems that are suspended will be displayed here

$listView = GuiCtrlCreateListView("username|Cnumber", 40, 100,130, 110)

GuiCtrlCreateListViewItem(GUICtrlRead ($Crefinput), GUICtrlRead ($Crefinput))

; contact CHECKBOXs every time u contact the user

$1st=GuiCtrlCreateCheckbox("1st call attempt", 40, 230, 180, 20)

$1stonehour=GuiCtrlCreateCheckbox("2nd call attempt after one hour", 40, 250, 180, 20)

$24hoursuspend=GuiCtrlCreateCheckbox("suspended till 24 hours", 40, 270, 180, 20)

$5dayclousure=GuiCtrlCreateCheckbox("5 day closure sent", 40, 290, 180, 20)

; creates the notes box were it displays what actions have been done

GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Notes",176, 30, 40,40)

$notes = GUICtrlCreateEdit ("tried to contact user", 176,60,200,150,$ES_AUTOVSCROLL+$WS_VSCROLL)

; suspend BUTTON will suspend the call

$Sendmailbutton = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Send mail", 40, 330, 100, 30)




; the user ticks the 1st contact checkbox


$1stcheckboxread = GUICtrlRead ( $1st ) ; reads the data from the 1st checkbox

if $1stcheckboxread = $GUI_CHECKED then ; if the inputs from 1st checkbox it true then

$1stmessagebox = MsgBox(4096+4, "Call conformation", "did you contact the user") ;ask the user if he made contact

if $1stmessagebox = 6 Then ; if user made contact then

GUICtrlSetData ( $notes," "& _Now() & " Contacted user " , " default " ) ; contacted user cc


MsgBox(0, "yes", "yes");test setup ignore this

Else ; other wise

GUICtrlSetData ( $notes," "& _Now() & " user not in suspending for one hour till " &"" & _DateAdd( 'h',1, _NowCalc()) , " default " ) ; this is not working should insert text in edit box





until $Sendmailbutton = 0

;---------------- this is the 2nd call attemp code list


$afteronehourread = GUICtrlRead ( $1stonehour ) ; reads the data from the 2nd checkbox afer one hour

if $afteronehourread = $GUI_CHECKED then ; if the inputs from 2nd checkbox it true then

$2ndmessagebox = MsgBox(4096+4, "Call conformation", "did you contact the user") ;ask the user if he made contact

if $2ndmessagebox = 6 Then ; if user made contact then

GUICtrlSetData ( $notes," "& _Now() & " Contacted user " , " default " ) ; contacted user cc


MsgBox(0, "yes", "yes");test setup ignore this

Else ; other wise

GUICtrlSetData ( $notes," "& _Now() & " user not in 2nd attempt suspending for 24 hours till " &"" & _DateAdd( 'h',24, _NowCalc()) , " default " ) ; this is not working should insert text in edit box





Until $Sendmailbutton = 4

;---------------- this is the 3rd call attemp code list


$24hourread = GUICtrlRead ( $24hoursuspend ) ; reads the data from the 3rd checkbox afer 24 hours

if $24hourread = $GUI_CHECKED then ; if the inputs from 3rd checkbox it true then

$24messagebox = MsgBox(4096+4, "Call conformation", "did you contact the user") ;ask the user if he made contact

if $24messagebox = 6 Then ; if user made contact then

GUICtrlSetData ( $notes," "& _Now() & " Contacted user " , " default " ) ; contacted user cc


Else ; other wise

GUICtrlSetData ( $notes," "& _Now() & " user not in 3rd attempt suspending for 5 days then close " &"" & _DateAdd( 'd',5, _NowCalc()) , " default " ) ; this is not working should insert text in edit box





Until $Sendmailbutton = 4

;------------------- this is the five day suspension bit


$5dayread = GUICtrlRead ( $5dayclousure ) ; reads the data from the 4th checkbox afer 5days

if $5dayread = $GUI_CHECKED then ; if the inputs from 4th checkbox it true then

$5daymessagebox = MsgBox(4096+4, "Call conformation", "did you contact the user") ;ask the user if he made contact

if $5daymessagebox = 6 Then ; if user made contact then

GUICtrlSetData ( $notes," "& _Now() & " Contacted user " , " default " ) ; contacted user cc


Else ; other wise

GUICtrlSetData ( $notes," "& _Now() & " user not in 4th attempt after 5 day suspension closing call " , " default " ) ; this is not working should insert text in edit box





Until $Sendmailbutton = 4

Func onehoursuspend()

sleep (50000)

splashTextOn("Call Alert", " THIS CALL NEEDS TO BE LOOKED AT "& GUICtrlRead ($Crefinput), -1, -1, -1, -1, 4, "", 24)

MsgBox(4096, "Alert", "By clicking OK you are confirming that you have contacted the user")



Func twentyfoursuspend()

sleep (50000)

splashTextOn("Call Alert", " THIS CALL NEEDS TO BE LOOKED AT " & GUICtrlRead ($Crefinput), -1, -1, -1, -1, 4, "", 24)

MsgBox(4096, "Alert", "By clicking OK you are confirming that you have contacted the user")



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I am not sure I understand the problem. I tried your script and I am getting all of the pop-ups and splash texts that you have in your script. If you are having a problem getting the script to work properly, are you using the beta?

A tip: You can use GUI windows instead of pop-up dialog boxes to give you more options in what the user chooses. Also, your splash text windows could use a little formatting. However, I realize this is just a test so do not take that as criticism--just something to keep in mind for the future.

If nothing I said helps at all, please be more specific in what you are asking so that I can better help you with your script.

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