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Telnet and expect like function

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I am wondering if someone could tell me if AutoIt has any Q&A+timeout+fallback mechanism that is similar to Expect. In a brief summary for those who aren't familiar with Expect, Expect is a command line automation tool that is focused on Q&A+timeout sets. You would Send() a command and Expect() some string on the screen with X seconds. Depending on if the result is Found() or not, different commands would be executed. The user can Expect() multiple options as well, so that the target program can be dynamically(yet finitely determined) managed.
I would like to telnet to my linux machine.  Check check the memory and write to a log the results of the test.  

I'm using putty because i didn't have a good telnet program in windows.

Run("c:/putty.exe -load dan")
AutoItSetOption("SendKeyDelay", 200)
Send("echo $?")
** If output is 0 **
Send("echo PASS > log.txt")
** If output is 1 **
Send("echo FAIL > log.txt")
** If output is hung (timeout) **
Send("echo HUNG > log.txt")

I'll be running more system checks along with this, but this would be a good basis to start on.

Also does autoit have telnet type of routines already? 


Edited by bigdogdan2
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As far as "telnet routines", have you searched the forum yet? A simple search returned c. 600 results for me.

As far as your Expect() function, AutoIt doesn't have any pre-defined "wait x number of seconds and if no response do this" function. It does, however, support a wide array of error checking to confirm you get the results you're after.

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