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Guest spaceroy

Helow :-)

I made a simple script to help me afk in mu online (www.muonline.com)

it does not work in game. i can turn it on and off when in game with the '

symbol (like the script says).

But Mu never registers anything... strange

it works with half-life 2 and other stuff with no problems.

it seems the script is not emulating the keystrokes propely :-(


Global $togg

HotKeySet("'", "Toggle")

While 1



Func Toggle()

$togg = NOT $togg

While $togg



Send ("{SPACE}")





I know nothing about games but it may be worth using ControlSend instead of Send.

Time you enjoyed wasting is not wasted time ......T.S. Elliot
Suspense is worse than disappointment................Robert Burns
God help the man who won't help himself, because no-one else will...........My Grandmother

Guest spaceroy

I know nothing about games but it may be worth using ControlSend instead of Send.

Oooo, send goes to active window.

hmmmm isnt there anyway of sending keystrokes and mouseclicks to system as if it was genuine keystrokes?

Guest spaceroy

Damn, I started out trying to make a prog in delphi but i got the same prob there.

So If I understand correctly autoit falls short here?

Hmmmm, guess I have to dig deeper in delphi.


Welcome to the forums!

Try placing this near the start of your script:

opt("sendKeyDownDelay", 50)

Does this work any better for you?

  • 1 year later...

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