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how 2 inpent a window in a gui


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iam new i this autoit world.

but i need help getting running a window into a gui

You will have to supply more info on what you are trying to do before anyone can help.

Time you enjoyed wasting is not wasted time ......T.S. Elliot
Suspense is worse than disappointment................Robert Burns
God help the man who won't help himself, because no-one else will...........My Grandmother

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thx for helping me so far.

do you got a little example for me?, say the window name is "Clairafy"

:P Wait, I had to take a double take on this.

You asked this question originally 15 months ago, and you just now say "thanks" for th help "so far"? :D (Were you in a coma?)

Common sense plays a role in the basics of understanding AutoIt... If you're lacking in that, do us all a favor, and step away from the computer.

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thx i found what i whas looking for but how do i do this if i got 2 windows and i got a gui with buttons if button 1 runs then open notepad in gui and if open button 2 paint will open in gui

$window = WinGetHandle("Looking to hide taskbar button(s)")
$newParent = WinGetHandle("Unbenannt")

DllCall("user32.dll", "hwnd", "SetParent", "hwnd", $window, "hwnd", $newParent)
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thx i found what i whas looking for but how do i do this if i got 2 windows and i got a gui with buttons

if button 1 runs then open notepad in gui and if open button 2 paint will open in gui

Could you please invest some time in adding some periods in your sentences, so you would make them understandable ?

A good start in getting some useful replies is to make yourself understood and to actually make the readers not wanting

to throw up while they're trying to decode your sentences. You're too lazy to press a button once in a while but you want

others to waste their time in helping you ?

Egentlig så burde jeg ha skrevet hele denne teksten på norsk, slik at vi hadde kommet på samme nivå av forståelse. Enig ?

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HeHe helt enig.. :D

(HeHe totally agree)

I actually would expect a realkiller to have killed this problem by now. :P

I would have searched for +SetWindowLong +SetParent.

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