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_ArrayAdd() Problem with AutoIt beta v3.3.13.8+

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Global $myArr[0]
_ArrayAdd( $myArr, "Add this sting" )
_ArrayDisplay( $myArr )

The above code works in the latest stable version v3.3.12.0. It continued to work through version Thereafter, the above code produces and empty array. If I change the declaration of $myArr[0] to $myArr[1] it works in all versions but it produces the undesirable result of an empty [0] index and the string is put in index [1].

Maybe I'm doing this incorrectly all along and the fact that it worked was a fluke in the first place. I've changed my code to delete the resulting empty index ( _ArrayDelete( $myArr, 0) ), but it seems like the original code should have worked.

My intention is to create an empty array and populate it progressively as my script executes.

From reading the help docs _ArrayPush() would not work in this scenario either because it would delete elements as they would be added.

Your observations can only make me better at using this excellent tool!

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Your code is correct. The beta introduces a bug on UBound($myArr, 0) which now returns 0 (it was returning 1 in this case before some array code rewrite). You can temporarily bypass the issue by changing the beta Array.au3 line 90:

; was
        Case 1
; make it:
        Case 0, 1

I have reported the bug.

EDIT: fixed in the next beta.

Edited by jchd

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