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From javascript to AutoIt, number to words?

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I have an old java script code that I want to convert to AutoIt, however I don't know how to do this. I have tried many times, but failed. So I'm posting the code here, and I hope that someone can take the time to just port it to AutoIt and send it back to me, that would be highly appreciated. It is a script that will convert numbers to words. For example, 345 would return Three Hundred Forty Five. I am attaching the .js file in this message.

Thank's in advance,

Philip Bennefall

I am not sure if the file got properly attached, so I am pasting the code here as well.

---Code start---



aTens =["","Ten","Twenty","Thirty","Forty","Fifty","Sixty","Seventy","Eighty","Ninety"]

function getunits(xValue)


return (aUnits[xValue])


function gethund(xValue)


return (aUnits[xValue] != '') ? (aUnits[xValue]+' Hundred') : (aUnits[xValue])


function teens(xValue)


return (aTeens[xValue])


function tens(xValue)


return (aTens[xValue])


function ConvertNumberToWords(nAmount)


var sAmount=nAmount.toString();

if (sAmount.indexOf(".") == -1) sAmount+='.00'

var sMax = (12 - sAmount.length)

var cStringAmount='';

var sNumberInWords ='';

for (c=1; c <=sMax; c++)


cStringAmount += '0'




var str1= sAmount.substring(0,3);

var str2= sAmount.substring(3,6);

var str3= sAmount.substring(6,9);

var str4= sAmount.substring(10,12)

if (cStringAmount.length >= 7)


sWords = NumberInWords(str1);

if (sWords.length >= 3) sNumberInWords += sWords +" Million ";



if (cStringAmount.length >= 4)


sWords = NumberInWords(str2)

if (sWords.length >= 3) sNumberInWords += sWords +" Thousand ";

cStringAmount = cStringAmount.substring(6,9)


if (cStringAmount.length <= 3)


sWords = NumberInWords(str3);

sNumberInWords += sWords+' '


var sTens=gettens(str4);

sTens=((sTens == " ") ? 'Zero' : sTens)

sNumberInWords += ((sTens <= 0) ? '' : '');

//sNumberInWords+='and '+str4+'/100'

return (sNumberInWords)


function NumberInWords(cString)


xhund =gethund(cString.substring(0,1))

xtens =gettens(cString.substring(1,3))


xwords+= ((xtens.length >= 3) ? ' ' : '')+xtens

return (xwords);


function gettens(xValue)


xval_ =xValue.substring(0,1);

_xval =xValue.substring(1,2);

if (xval_ == '1' && _xval != '0')


xnum= teens(_xval)


if (xval_ == '1' && _xval == '0') xnum="Ten"

if (xval_ != '1' && (_xval != '0' || _xval == '0'))


xnum= tens(xval_)+" "+getunits(_xval);


return (xnum)


---Code end---

Edited by Philip Bennefall
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