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HotKeySet("{ESC}", "Terminate")

HotKeySet("{MWHEEL_DOWN}", "MouseWheelDown")
HotKeySet("{MWHEEL_UP}", "MouseWheelUp")

;;;; Body of program;;;;
While 1

Func Terminate()
    Exit 0

Func MouseWheelDown()
   ToolTip('Mouse Wheel Scrolled Down',0,0)

Func MouseWheelUp()
   ToolTip('Mouse Wheel Scrolled Up',0,0)

Is there something like HotKeySet("{MWHEEL_DOWN}", "MouseWheelDown") ?

Thank you

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Try This one! And pls comment!

#include <GUIConstants.au3>



GUICreate("Test_Mouse_Wheel",220,100, 100,200)

GUISetBkColor (0x00E0FFFF) ; will change background color

$slider1 = GUICtrlCreateSlider (10,10,200,20)

GUICtrlSetLimit(-1,200,0) ; change min/max value

$button = GUICtrlCreateButton ("Stop",75,70,70,20)


GUICtrlSetData($slider1,100) ; set cursor



if $test>$test2 then

$test1=GUICtrlSetData ($button,"Down")


if $test<$test2 then

$test1=GUICtrlSetData ($button,"Up")


sleep (100)

$test1=GUICtrlSetData ($button,"Stopped")

;$test1=GUICtrlSetData ($button,$test)



sleep (100)

$n = GUIGetMsg ()

until $n = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE

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Thank you for the respnoses...

The suggestions you made seem very intersting.

The reason I asked about this is that I want to capture scrolls done with the mouseWheel, that happen in other applications but dont actually do anything to the Scrollbar, in those other applications.

Are there any plans of adding something of the sort to AutoIt3, like AutoHotkey, for the mousewheel detection?


Thank you

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As I know the mouse wheel scroll up and down function is detect by Window itelf (i.e. done by the mouse driver) and what yu can get is the result of the scroll , like up/down arrow key. So I use a hidden slider window to detect it. See if anyone could have other ideas.

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