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FF.au3 and Button with 'onclick' event

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I have the following button I would like to 'click' on:


<span class="searchButton" id="searchButton" name="searchButton"> <input name="" src="http://proxylibrary.hse.ru:2083/WOKRS522_1R3/images/search.gif" onclick="return JQcheck_form_inputs('WOS_AdvancedSearch_input_form');" title="Search" alt="Search" align="absmiddle" border="0" type="image"> </span> <span class="searchRunning" id="searchRunning" name="searchRunning" style="display: none;">  <img src="http://proxylibrary.hse.ru:2083/WOKRS522_1R3/images/search_disabled.gif" alt="Search in process" title="Search in process" align="absmiddle" border="0">  </span> 


I have tried the following in different variants:

[autoit]_FFClick("AdvSearchButton", "id")[/autoit]

   _FFXPath( "//span[@id='searchButton']")



Nothing helps so far. 

Please, help!


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11 hours ago, Danp2 said:

Your first example is how I would typically handle this. However, if you look closely, the onclick is defined on the contained input element, not on the span. You need to get the xpath for that element and then call the onclick method.

Thank you very much for this! Now at least I can 'capture' the control. But I still cannot click it in a proper manner. The button 'freezes' (not normal behavior -- see the image below).

Here is my new code:

_FFXPath( "//input[@title='Search']")

Here is the log for it:



__FFSend: FFau3.WCD=window.content.top.document;
__FFRecv: [object HTMLDocument] - {WOS_CombineSearches_input_form: {...}, OpenLocal: {...}, UA_options_input_form: {...}, openhist: {...}, UA_output_input_form: {...}, WOS_AdvancedSearch_input_form: {...}, savehist: {...}, ...}
[object HTMLDocument] - {WOS_CombineSearches_input_form: {...}, OpenLocal: {...}, UA_options_input_form: {...}, openhist: {...}, UA_output_input_form: {...}, WOS_AdvancedSearch_input_form: {...}, savehist: {...}, ...}
__FFSend: FFau3.xpath=null;try{FFau3.xpath=FFau3.WCD.evaluate("//input[@title='Search']",FFau3.WCD,null,XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE,null).singleNodeValue;}catch(e){'_FFXPath_Error: '+e;};
__FFRecv: [object HTMLInputElement] - {stepUp: function() {...}, stepDown: function() {...}, checkValidity: function() {...}, setCustomValidity: function() {...}, select: function() {...}, setRangeText: function() {...}, setSelectionRange: function() {...}, ...}
__FFSend: try{FFau3.xpath.onclick()}catch(e){'_FFCmd_Err';};
__FFRecv: 1


P.S. BTW, is there any way to edit my posts?



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