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Click Link in IE window

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Hey guys, I am looking for a way to click on a link in an IE window. The only commands I could find were _IELinkClickByText and _IELinkClickByIndex, and when using Autoit Window Info there is nothing that comes up for those two Controls. I could use controlclick on the position, but I was curious as to if there was a better way to do so or am I going to be stuck using control click? Thanks in advance.

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Oh yes I see that now, than you.

It seems to be a little buggy however, does anyone else feel that way? I think I might stick with the control click for now.

edit: it could also just be the page that I am working with too.

Edited by Chance1
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Just the scripts in the examples page are buggy.

; Open browser with basic example, click on the link with text "user forum"

#include <IE.au3>

Local $oIE = _IE_Example("basic")
_IELinkClickByText($oIE, "user forum")

It creates the IE window and clicks the link that it is trying to click, but the page is never able to load. It's pretty much the same issue I am having in my script.

However, it could be something with my machine and not autoit at all. Was just curious as to if anyone else had encountered this.

Also, The page I am trying to interact with is a the warning page that suggests you to not continue to the webpage. The antivirus doesn't like it for some times. So if the page pops up, I want to click the link that says "Continue to this website (not recommended)." And yes, I have tried the following

_IELinkClickByText($oIE, "Continue to this website (not recommended). ")
_IELinkClickByIndex($oIE, 2)

And neither work.

Edited by Chance1
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1 hour ago, Chance1 said:

Just the scripts in the examples page are buggy.


However, it could be something with my machine and not autoit at all.


Runs just fine on my end.


Also, The page I am trying to interact with is a the warning page that suggests you to not continue to the webpage

That sounds more like a security certification issue. Can you provide a URL?

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