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Automatic MP3-Renamer and Sorter


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I have a large Collection of MP3-Files and wanted to have those renamed and sorted in Folders. What do you think about it? Main program is in german, but easy to understand.

You choose the start-Folder and a destinationfolder wich should be outside of the starting Folder. It has option for Music, Sampler and Audio books. Every Sampler will be added to the Music Folder too. If you activate the "lokal aufräumen" = "cleanup start Folder" the files and many other files in the Folder will be deleted after Transfer. It deletes any Image and many more fileextentions....

Empty subfolders will be removed allways.  Settings are written to the registry, so you have to choose only once.

Be carefull when using the cleanup Option! It killed some of my files when the tags inside of the file are not perfect. 

Folder Name CD1: Track1, Track 2 etc. Tags: Artist= "Tommy", Album="my Album", Title=Track1",  tracks "1","2" etc.

Folder Name CD2: Track1, Track 2 etc. Tags: Artist= "Tommy", Album="my Album", Title=Track1", tracks "1","2" etc.

This will only leave the biggest files. "Tommy - my Album - 01 - Track 1.mp3" , "Tommy - my Album - 02 - Track 2.mp3"

It is perfekt when the tracks are continous or the Album includes the Disk. 

"Tommy - my Album Disk1- 02 - Track 2of202.mp3".



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