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controls in some resolution

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Hi, I'm working on a project but I noticed an error on my script, I'll copy the code here when I get home, the main issue is appearance, I wrote the code in my personal computer but I will share it, my screen resolution is 1024x768, but when I tested the script on a computer with a different resolution the text of some controls were not showed correctly.

another issue is an image, the same problem, on some resolutions doesn't show full, is there a function to avoid these problems?

I created the controls considering screen resolution, so I thought there shouldn't be problem, all my controls were created like this

guictrlcreatelabel("example", @desktopwidth * 0.05, @desktopheight * 0.1, @desktopwidth * 0.05, @desktopheight * 0.025)

I thought it could be because of the font size

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You should probably only use the desktop to determine your window size, and then make the control sizes relative to the window.  otherwise, provide a script that replicates your issue.


Another suggestion is to maintain minimums.   example for input, don't make it smaller than a height of 15

Edited by jdelaney
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50 minutes ago, jdelaney said:

You should probably only use the desktop to determine your window size, and then make the control sizes relative to the window.  otherwise, provide a script that replicates your issue.


Another suggestion is to maintain minimums.   example for input, don't make it smaller than a height of 15

jdelaney, could you give me an example? because I was trying to make them relative to desktop resolution

Edited by luis713
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I always make my gui apps like this...then you just add to the array, and it generates the new gui, dynamically:


#include <EditConstants.au3>
#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>
#include <WindowsConstants.au3>
$iControlHeight = 15
$iButtonHeight = 20
$iControlBuffer = 3
$iLabelWidth = 120
$iInputWidth = 175

$hWin = GUICreate("My App",$iInputWidth+$iLabelWidth+$iControlBuffer*3,0)

Enum $iControl_1D_Something, $iControl_1D_AnotherThing, $iControl_1D_More, $iControl_1D_MoreStill, $iControl_1D_UBound
Enum $iControl_2D_LabelID, $iControl_2D_InputID, $iControl_2D_LabelText, $iControl_2D_UBound

Local $aControls[$iControl_1D_UBound][$iControl_2D_UBound]

$aControls[$iControl_1D_Something][$iControl_2D_LabelText] = "TextAB"
$aControls[$iControl_1D_AnotherThing][$iControl_2D_LabelText] = "TextCD"
$aControls[$iControl_1D_More][$iControl_2D_LabelText] = "Text12"
$aControls[$iControl_1D_MoreStill][$iControl_2D_LabelText] = "Text"

$iControlLine = $iControlBuffer
For $i = 0 To UBound($aControls)-1
    $aControls[$i][$iControl_2D_LabelID] = GUICtrlCreateLabel($aControls[$i][$iControl_2D_LabelText],$iControlBuffer,$iControlLine,$iLabelWidth,$iControlHeight)
    $aControls[$i][$iControl_2D_LabelID] = GUICtrlCreateInput("",$iControlBuffer*2+$iLabelWidth,$iControlLine,$iInputWidth,$iControlHeight)

; Add in other controls after the array:
$hButton = GUICtrlCreateButton("Do something",$iControlBuffer*2+$iLabelWidth,$iControlLine,$iInputWidth,$iButtonHeight)

$aPos = WinGetPos($hWin)
$iStartHeight = $aPos[3]

GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $hWin)


Manipulate the first 5 variables to change the look of the app.

Edited by jdelaney
IEbyXPATH-Grab IE DOM objects by XPATH IEscriptRecord-Makings of an IE script recorder ExcelFromXML-Create Excel docs without excel installed GetAllWindowControls-Output all control data on a given window.
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