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Because I am sharing code with other members of my team, I'm reluctant to hard-code the icon location here.  While %scriptdir% works with #AutoIt3Wrapper_outfile, #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_Before and #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_after, it does not seem to work for #AutoIt3Wrapper_Icon.  Should I continue looking for solutions or am I stuck?

For example;

#AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_Tidy=Y                                                     ; run tidy before compile/build
#AutoIt3Wrapper_outfile=%scriptdir%\temp.exe                                   ; build temp exe first
#AutoIt3Wrapper_Icon=%scriptdir%\Win7IconPack\Windows 7 (58).ico               ; include this icon
#AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_Before=del "%out%"                                         ; delete temp exe
#AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_After=move/y "%out%" "%scriptdir%\%scriptfile%.exe"        ; move temp exe to real exe


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You do realize that this directive is solely used at compilation time to tell aut2exe which Icon to add to the target exe?


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