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[Solved] Wingettext - extract address

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I'm starting to work on a small script where it will display all open Explorer windows so you can select the window you want. Using Wingettext, it appears to use @CR instead of @CRLF.  I'm trying to extract the address. A messagebox shows this:


Address: C:\Users\Satellite\Desktop\backup autoit

backup autoit

Namespace Tree Control
Tree View


However, writing it to a text file appears like this:


Address: C:\Users\Satellite\Desktop\backup autoitbackup autoitNamespace Tree ControlTree ViewShellView

I have tried some code like this:

$s = WinGetText("[ACTIVE]")
$a2 = StringSplit($s, @CR)
$s = StringReplace($s, @CR, @CRLF)
FileWrite("test.txt", $s & @CRLF)


I have also thought about using stringregex to extract the address, but I cannot think of any way to make that happen. How can I detect where the address ends and/or eliminate the text that comes afterwards?


Edited by abberration
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