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Problem with _StringBetween(HTML,tag_START,tag_ENG)


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I'm having trouble trying to collect data that's inside an html tag, I haven't found a solution to it yet.

If you have ideas please help. Thank you


#include <String.au3>

Global $HTML_Test
$HTML_Test &= '<div class="accordion-item">' & @CRLF  ; <!---- START GET-->
$HTML_Test &= ' <div class="accordion-inner">' & @CRLF
$HTML_Test &= '     <p>Khoá an toàn giúp bếp luôn được an toàn</p>' & @CRLF
$HTML_Test &= ' </div>' & @CRLF
$HTML_Test &= ' <a href="#" class="accordion-title plain">' & @CRLF
$HTML_Test &= '     <button class="toggle">' & @CRLF
$HTML_Test &= '         <i class="icon-angle-down"></i>' & @CRLF
$HTML_Test &= '     </button>' & @CRLF
$HTML_Test &= '     <span>Khoá an toàn</span>' & @CRLF
$HTML_Test &= ' </a>' & @CRLF
$HTML_Test &= '</div>' & @CRLF  ;<!---- END GET -->

Global $aSearch = _StringBetween($HTML_Test, '<div class="accordion-item">', '</div>')
If IsArray($aSearch) Then
    For $i = 0 To UBound($aSearch) - 1
        ConsoleWrite('!-> SB Return: ' & $aSearch[$i] & @CRLF)
    ConsoleWrite('! SB: No strings found. ' & @CRLF)


Unexpected output:

<div class="accordion-inner">
        <p>Khoá an toàn giúp bếp luôn được an toàn</p>



<div class="accordion-item">  
    <div class="accordion-inner">
        <p>Khoá an toàn giúp bếp luôn được an toàn</p>
    <a href="#" class="accordion-title plain">
        <button class="toggle">
            <i class="icon-angle-down"></i>
        <span>Khoá an toàn</span>

Desired output:

<div class="accordion-inner">
        <p>Khoá an toàn giúp bếp luôn được an toàn</p>
    <a href="#" class="accordion-title plain">
        <button class="toggle">
            <i class="icon-angle-down"></i>
        <span>Khoá an toàn</span>


Edited by VIP


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  • Trong changed the title to Problem with _StringBetween(HTML,tag_START,tag_ENG)

Hm, the cause seems to be simple: StringBetween is doing what it should - it returns the text between your 

<div class="accordion-item">

and the first


without including the search-texts itself. So you'd need to find another end-string or solve it via regex. in your case, you could

#include <String.au3>

Global $HTML_Test
$HTML_Test &= '<div class="accordion-item">' & @CRLF  ; <!---- START GET-->
$HTML_Test &= ' <div class="accordion-inner">' & @CRLF
$HTML_Test &= '     <p>Khoá an toàn giúp bếp luôn được an toàn</p>' & @CRLF
$HTML_Test &= ' </div>' & @CRLF
$HTML_Test &= ' <a href="#" class="accordion-title plain">' & @CRLF
$HTML_Test &= '     <button class="toggle">' & @CRLF
$HTML_Test &= '         <i class="icon-angle-down"></i>' & @CRLF
$HTML_Test &= '     </button>' & @CRLF
$HTML_Test &= '     <span>Khoá an toàn</span>' & @CRLF
$HTML_Test &= ' </a>' & @CRLF
$HTML_Test &= '</div>' & @CRLF  ;<!---- END GET -->

Global $aSearch = _StringBetween($HTML_Test, '<div class="accordion-item">', '</a>' & @CRLF & '</div>')
If IsArray($aSearch) Then
    For $i = 0 To UBound($aSearch) - 1
        ConsoleWrite('!-> SB Return: ' & $aSearch[$i] & @CRLF)
    ConsoleWrite('! SB: No strings found. ' & @CRLF)

so you'll get the inner text. Of course the closing </a> gets lost because it is included in the $sEnd-String.

Or with a regex:

#include <String.au3>

Global $HTML_Test
$HTML_Test &= '<div class="accordion-item">' & @CRLF  ; <!---- START GET-->
$HTML_Test &= ' <div class="accordion-inner">' & @CRLF
$HTML_Test &= '     <p>Khoá an toàn giúp bếp luôn được an toàn</p>' & @CRLF
$HTML_Test &= ' </div>' & @CRLF
$HTML_Test &= ' <a href="#" class="accordion-title plain">' & @CRLF
$HTML_Test &= '     <button class="toggle">' & @CRLF
$HTML_Test &= '         <i class="icon-angle-down"></i>' & @CRLF
$HTML_Test &= '     </button>' & @CRLF
$HTML_Test &= '     <span>Khoá an toàn</span>' & @CRLF
$HTML_Test &= ' </a>' & @CRLF
$HTML_Test &= '</div>' & @CRLF  ;<!---- END GET -->

; Global $aSearch = _StringBetween($HTML_Test, '<div class="accordion-item">', '</a>' & @CRLF & '</div>')
$aSearch = StringRegExp($HTML_Test, '(?s)<div class="accordion-item">(.*)</div>',3)
If IsArray($aSearch) Then
    For $i = 0 To UBound($aSearch) - 1
        ConsoleWrite('!-> SB Return: ' & $aSearch[$i] & @CRLF)
    ConsoleWrite('! SB: No strings found. ' & @CRLF)

best regards,


Edited by Marc

Any of my own codes posted on the forum are free for use by others without any restriction of any kind. (WTFPL)

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Couldn't be more detailed in the div tag, to use _StringBetween().
And your Regex code is not working correctly either.

Script with regex:

#include <String.au3>

Global $HTML_Test
$HTML_Test &= '<div class="0">[' & @CRLF  ;
$HTML_Test &= '<code unknown code 1>' & @CRLF  ;
$HTML_Test &= '<div class="1">[' & @CRLF  ;
$HTML_Test &= '<code unknown code 2>' & @CRLF  ;
$HTML_Test &= '<div class="2 3 4">[' & @CRLF  ;
$HTML_Test &= '<code unknown code 3>' & @CRLF  ;
$HTML_Test &= '2]</div>' & @CRLF  ;
$HTML_Test &= '<code unknown code 4>' & @CRLF  ;
$HTML_Test &= '1]</div>' & @CRLF  ;
$HTML_Test &= '<code unknown code 5>' & @CRLF  ;
$HTML_Test &= '0]</div>' & @CRLF  ;

Global $rSearch = _BetweenString($HTML_Test, '<div class="1">', '</div>')
ConsoleWrite('! ============================' & @CRLF & $rSearch & @CRLF & '! ============================' & @CRLF)

Func _BetweenString($iString, $iStart, $iEnd)
    Local $aSearch = StringRegExp($iString, '(?s)' & $iStart & '(.*)' & $iEnd, 3)
    If IsArray($aSearch) Then
        For $i = 0 To UBound($aSearch) - 1
            ;ConsoleWrite('!-> SB Return: ' & $aSearch[$i] & @CRLF)
            If ($aSearch[$i] <> "") Then Return $aSearch[$i]
        ConsoleWrite('! SB: No strings found. ' & @CRLF)
EndFunc   ;==>_BetweenString



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